Monday, July 27, 2009

Kristen (bookworming in the 21st century) has an awesome contest...

And I am in awe of her book blog. So much more ambitious than mine, which I posted on once and abandoned. I really need to get back to it. Anywho, Kristen is having the mother of all giveaways, sharing her ALA wealth, and ohhh, I want to win. But if you want to be my competition, go here:

Kristen's ALA Extravaganza Contest

Just know I will steal Shiver from you...

Also, she has another contest running for Catching Fire, the sequel to The Hunger Games...

Catching Fire Contest


  1. I'm now following you, which means you should update! I think when you post a review on GR it gives you a blog code. *wriggles eyebrows*

    Oh and btw... stayed tuned to my blog in a few weeks, when I will be giving away another copy of Shiver + a copy of Another Faust.


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