Sunday, November 29, 2009

Christmas Wishlist?

Alright, everyone, I want to know what's on your
Christmas [insert holiday of choice] wishlist.

Assuming you've been good boys and girls, which books do you hope Santa's little elves can get their tiny little hands on, just for you?

Personally, I always have a huge book wishlist, and my family is notoriously bad at buying books for me. It is daunting, I know, because I own a lot, and have read a lot, so they are never sure what to get, but even when I tell them...things don't seem to work out.
This year, my fingers are crossed for:


I know, I know, I've read these three. But I want to own them.


I know, it seems like a lot. But a wishlist is about two things: everything you wished you had, and options. So these are my options; I wish I had them. ;p

Alright, I showed you mine. Now it's your turn to show me yours.

In My Mailbox 11/29/2009

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren. Stop by and check it out, and share your own finds!

Once again, I am a bit behind (work is kicking my ass), so this IMM is once again for a couple weeks worth of books.
Since my last IMM, I have gotten:


The books I ordered from Better World books (mentioned in last IMM):
Bar Code Rebellion by Suzanne Weyn
The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare
Shade's Children by Garth Nix
Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede
Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
Among the Betrayed by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Among the Impostors by Margaret Peterson Haddix
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken, Pat Marriott

Bought, haven't received:
Song of the Lioness 4-in-1, which includes one of my favorite series as a kid:
Alanna: The First Adventure
In the Hand of the Goddess
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man
Lioness Rampant all by Tamora Pierce
and The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley

Rowan of the Wood (Rowan of the Wood, #1)
and Witch on the Water (Rowan of the Wood, #2) by Christine Rose
from Juju @ Tales of Whimsy (Thanks, Juju!)

The Vampire's Assistant , which is the first 3 books of the Cirque du Freak series by Darren Shan:
A Living Nightmare (Cirque Du Freak, #1)
The Vampire's Assistant (Cirque Du Freak, #2)
Tunnels of Blood (Cirque Du Freak, #3)
from The Book Muncher (Thanks, Scarlet!)

Angel of Windword by Maggie Dove, from Froggaritaville's Bookcase (Thanks, Froggy!)

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, which I have been co-ve-ting -- thanks, Teen Libris!

Think that's it for me this week. What have you added to the hoarde?

Friday, November 27, 2009

I've got a little treatie coming for you; here's a teaser...

Here are the 12 blogs:

Day 8 Bites
Day 10 Book Rat
Day 12 vv32Reads

12 days of prizes and all around awesomeness. So have you been naughty, or nice?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Contest Reminder

Hey, all. Happy Thanksgiving. I know I have been neglecting you abominably; my internet has been on the fritz (thank you, Charter Communications, you bastards).
Anywho, just wanted to remind you that there are just a few days left in the 100 followers contest and the signed Sea Glass contest.
So if you haven't entered...what are you waiting for?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Review: Sea Glass by Maria V. Snyder

This review is woefully overdue.

Sea Glass is the second in the Glass series, a spin-off of the popular Study series (Poison Study, Magic Study and Fire Study); it takes up where Storm Glass left off, with glass magician Opal Cowan under house arrest in the Citadel due to her new-found ability to steal a magician's magic through her glass sculptures. But Opal has other things to worry about; everyone seems to want something from her, and worse, she's afraid that the man she thinks she loves has been forced to switch bodies with the man who once tortured her. Worst of all, no one seems to believe her, and she must struggle to set things to rights and figure out her powers before everything crashes down around her.

It took me a bit to get into this installment of the series, though I think that is due in part to the fact that I didn't remember enough from Storm Glass. The beginning was confusing to me, but I still don't know how much of it was due to my lack of memory and how much to messiness or clarity problems. What I do know is that it hit that part where everything started flowing and becoming compelling, and from then on, I was fairly hooked.

I love the world Snyder has created, and her characters, when she hits the mark, are full and real and interesting. She makes you care about characters. Case in point: when Maria came to good ole (podunk) Monroe for some events, my book club had dinner with her, where we spent a good majority of the time debating who we liked more, Devlin or Kade, while Maria sat back and watched with a very amused expression. We were passionate. There was yelling; there may have been some fork pointing. There was a lot of talking over each other and "you're out of your mind"s. Book conversations like that are an excellent sign, in my opinion. Nothing recommends a book more. Also, Snyder has the guts to keep things from being clean-cut and easy, which I appreciate, and which adds to those excellent conversations.

That's not to say I didn't have any issues, though. Opal takes a definite step back in her growth for a big chunk of this book. Hurt and overwhelmed by all of the craziness going on around her, she begins to act like a petulant child, willful to the point of stupidity. This may not be unrealistic, given her past and what's going on in her present, but it did irritate me. It was one of those 'I want to shake you' moments that you get when you know someone should be doing things differently and there's nothing you can do. Now, as frustrating as that can be, it is still a good sign because it meant I cared. If I didn't want to see things come out right for Opal and see her mature and develop, I wouldn't have felt like shaking her because I wouldn't have cared (and I would have put the book down).

One other thing that bothered me on ocassion was the way first person was used. I know some people have a problem with first person, and in general, I am not one of them. I don't care which tense you tell the story in (well, 2nd is a bit odd at times, supposing the book isn't a choose your own adventure...), as long as it works. There is one thing about 1st person that does crop up on occasion and that does bother me, and that's when 1st person is treated like 3rd. In 3rd person (omniscient) we can know anything. We're watching from above, from in character's heads, and we can know whatever the author chooses to let us know. This doesn't work in first because characters are not omniscient; they don't know everything, so we can't either. This is not what bothers me. What bothers me is when authors treat 1st like 3rd and tell us things that most likely we shouldn't get to know. It's this way of explaining away things that need explaining by putting the explanations in characters' mouths rather than bits of exposition, and it comes across awkward, clunky and unrealistic. It feels forced. There were a few things that felt forced in this, that lacked finesse, but this one bothered me the most.
None of this would keep me from recommending the book, however, so take it as you will.

Bonus Material:

Before I get to the BM, remember that I am having a contest where 1 lucky winner will receive a SIGNED copy of this book!
Commenting on this review (and mentioning it in the contest post) earns another 2 entries.

My bonus material today is going to be a short random bit based on thoughts on the book + tidbits from the dinner with Maria. Therefore, today's BM is spoilery, so avert thy eyes if that does not appeal.

There is a scene in the book where Opal travels to visit a remote clan to prevent a magical "flame out", and they're kinda creepy-cultish. I got excited, because that mentality fascinates me, and I was all ready for something big to happen, and then they all but disappear from the story. Needless to say, I was irritated. So I asked Maria, and yes, they will be making another appearance. I'm ready.
What I would love to see is more time spent in their village. It's a shady place, on virtual lock-down, run by what may be a messianic-wannabe figure. I want in their heads. I want the pyschology. What are they after? What makes them tick? I hope their role isn't too minor, or that there is another book/set coming which will showcase more of them; I find them fascinating.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I haven't had time lately to do a lot of posting myself, and I KNOW I need to catch up on some reviews so that I can toss them into the possible prize bucket for the 100+ followers giveaway. And I will get to that soon, I swear. But I thought until then, I would let you know of something fantastic.
My buddy Brizmus is having a 100 followers contest -- the awesomely named "Super Mega Radical Star-Studded 100 Followers Contest!" -- of her own, and she is offering up some pretty great things for grabs, including:

-one lightly used copy of Hush, Hush
-one lightly used copy of Evermore (her review is here)
-one lightly used copy of Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
-one used copy of the City and the Stars by Arthur C. Clark (her review is here)
-one lightly used copy of the Over the Holidays (her review is here)
-lots of surprise goodies - books and swag and all sorts of things!

Fairly fantastic, huh?
So hows about you go and enter, and tell Brizmus I sent you...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Winner added!

Alright, folks, I told you that if I made it to 150 followers, I would add a second winner in the 100 followers contest, and as that has just happened, and as I am a (wo)man of my word (or something ;p), I am doing just that!

So now,
lucky people are going to get to pick any book from this list their little heart desires.
And remember, the list is going to keep growing...

Endless TBR -- the list

Here are the books I own and need to read. 
This does not include the books I own and need to reread (except in the case of things read many years ago, and remembered vaguely...)
Started working my way through on November 15th, 2009. Completed are crossed out.
Alpha by title.

The 19th Wife: A Novel Ebershoff, David 
20 Fragments of a Ravenous Youth Guo, Xialou
40 Short Stories: A Portable Anthology Lawn, Beverly

The Abracadabra Kid: A Writer's Life Fleischman, Sid
An Abundance of Katherines Green, John
Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori, # 1) Hearn, Lian
The Adoration of Jenna Fox Pearson, Mary
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain, Mark
The Age of Innocence Wharton, Edith
Alanna: The First Adventure (Song of the Lioness, #1) Pierce, Tamora
Alice in Verse Holden, J.
Alis Rich, Naomi
All-American Girl (All-American Girl, #1) Cabot, Meg
American Gods Gaiman, Neil
The Amber Spyglass (His Dark Materials, #3) Pullman, Philip
Among the Betrayed (Shadow Children, Book 3) Haddix, Margaret Peterson
Among the Impostors (Shadow Children, Book 2) Haddix, Margaret Peterson
Anastasia's Secret Dunlap, Susanne
and Falling, Fly White, Skyler
Angel, Cliff McNish
The Angel Experiment (Maximum Ride, #1) Patterson, James
Angel of Windword Dove, Maggie
Angela's Ashes McCourt, Frank
Angelology Trussoni, Danielle
Angels on Sunset Boulevard De La Cruz, Melissa
Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson, #1) Rennison, Louise
Archangel's Kiss (Guild Hunter, #2) Singh, Nalini
The Archivist: A Novel Cooley, Martha
Armageddon Summer Yolen, Jane and Coville, Bruce
Aries Rising (Star Crossed, #1), Bonnie Hearn Hill
Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex, Eoin ColferArthur and George Barnes, Julian
Astrid and Veronika Olsson, Linda
Austenland Hale, Shannon (to reread)
Avalon High Cabot, Meg

Bar Code Rebellion, Weyn, Suzanne
The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #4) Riordan, Rick
Basajaun Deuren, Rosemary Van
The Bean Trees Kingsolver, Barbara
Beautiful Creatures Garcia & Stohl
Beautiful Malice, Rebecca James
A Beautiful Mind Nasar, Sylvia
Before I Fall Oliver, Lauren 
The Beguilers Thompson, Kate
The Bermudez Triangle Johnson, Maureen
Beyond the Shadows (Night Angel, #3) Weeks, Brent
Big Fish Wallace, Daniel
The Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime, #1) Fforde, Jasper
The Birth of Venus: A Novel Dunant, Sarah
Black Maria Jones, Diana Wynne
The Blade Itself (The First Law, #1) Abercrombie, Joe
The Blind Assassin Atwood, Margaret
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman Murakami, Haruki
Blindsided, Priscilla Cummings
Blood Promise (Vampire Academy, #4) Mead, Richelle
Bluebeard's Egg: Stories Atwood, Margaret
The Blue Sword McKinley, Robin
Boneshaker Priest, Cherie --
Bone Crossed (Mercedes Thompson, #4) Briggs, Patricia 
The Book of the Beast (Secret Books of Paradys #2) Lee, Tanith
The Book of the Damned (Secret Books of Paradys #1) Lee, Tanith
The Book of the Dead (Secret Books of Paradys, #3) Lee, Tanith
The Book of the Mad (Secret Books of Paradys, #4) Lee, Tanith
The Book of Ruth Hamilton, Jane
Boxen: The Imaginary World of the Young C. S. Lewis Lewis, C.S.
The Boy Next Door (Boy, #1) Cabot, Meg
Breathe: A Ghost Story, Cliff McNish
Breathe My Name, R.A. Nelson
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason Fielding, Helen
A Brief History of Time Hawking, Stephen W.
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao Díaz, Junot
Bunnicula Strikes Again! (Bunnicula, #6) Howe, James

The Cabinet of Wonders, Marie Rutkoski
The Call of the Wild, White Fang and Other Stories London, Jack
Cane Toomer, Jean
Catalyst, Laurie Halse Anderson
Catch-22 Heller, Joseph
The Caucasian Chalk Circle Brecht, Bertolt
Cause Celeb Fielding, Helen
Changeless (The Parasol Protectorate, #2) Carriger, Gail 
The Cherry Orchard Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Child of Fire (Twenty Palaces, #1) Connolly, Harry
The Chosen One, Carol Lynch Williams
The Cider House Rules Irving, John
The Circus in Winter Day, Cathy
The City of Falling Angels Berendt, John
The Classic Slave Narratives Jr., Henry Louis Gates
The Composer Is Dead Snicket, Lemony
The Conquest Murray, Yxta Maya
Countdown, Deborah Wiles
Corelli's Mandolin Bernières, Louis de
Cousins in the Castle Wallace, Barbara Brooks
The Country Wife Wycherley, William
Cranioklepty: Grave Robbing and the Search for Genius Dickey, Colin
Cry, the Beloved Country Paton, Alan
The Crystal Prison (Deptford Mice, Book 2) Jarvis, Robin
Cult Insanity: A Memoir of Polygamy, Prophets, and Blood Atonement Spencer, Irene

The Danger Box, Blue Balliett
The Darcy Cousins Fairview, Monica
The Dark Is Rising (Dark Is Rising, Book 2) Cooper, Susan
Dark Places Flynn, Gillian
Dark Song, Gail Giles
The Dashwood Sisters' Secrets of Love, Rosie Rushton
The Dead Boys, Royce Buckingham
The Dead Girls' Dance (The Morganville Vampires, #2) Caine, Rachel
The Dead of the House: A Novel Green, Hannah
Dead Witch Walking (Rachel Morgan/The Hollows, #1) Harrison, Kim
The Dead Zone King, Stephen
Dealing with Dragons (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles, Book 1) Wrede, Patricia C.
Delirium (Delirium, #1), Lauren Oliver
Desire Under the Elms O'Neill, Eugene
Desperation King, Stephen
The Devil of Nanking Hayder, Mo
The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks Lockhart, E.
The Dogs of Babel Parkhurst, Carolyn
Dog Blood (Hater, #2), David Moody
The Doll People Martin, Ann M.
Dolores Claiborne King, Stephen
Dragon's Breath (Tales of the Frog Princess, #2) Baker, E.D.
Dreamcatcher King, Stephen
Drowning Ruth Schwarz, Christina
The Duchess of Malfi, Fourth Edition Webster, John
The Dust of 100 Dogs King, A.S.

The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm Farmer, Nancy
East Pattou, Edith
Effigy York, Alyssa
End of Days (Night Runner #2), Max Turner
English as a Second F*cking Language: How to Swear Effectively, Explained in Detail with Numerous Examples Taken From Everyday Life Johnson, Sterling
The English Patient Ondaatje, Michael
The Eternal Ones (Eternal Ones, #1), Kirsten Miller
Evermore (The Immortals, #1) Noel, Alyson
Every Inch of HerSheridan, Peter
Exodus Bertagna, Julie
Exorsistah #1 Burney, Claudia Mair
Extraordinary, Nancy Werlin
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close Foer, Jonathan Safran

Faeries Froud, Brian
Fairest Levine, Gail Carson
The Fairy-Tale Detectives (The Sisters Grimm, #1) Buckley, Michael
Fallen (Fallen, #1) Kate, Lauren -- currently reading
Falling Angels Chevalier, Tracy
Falling Man: A Novel DeLillo, Don
Famous Family Nights Bradshaw, Anne
Fang (Maximum Ride, #6) Patterson, James

Feast of Fools (The Morganville Vampires, #4), Rachel Caine
Firelight (Firelight, #1), Sophie Jordan
Firespell (Dark Elite, #1) Neill, Chloe
First Daughter Van Lustbader, Eric 
The Five People You Meet in Heaven Albom, Mitch

Fixing Delilah, Sarah Ockler
Fledgling Butler, Octavia E.
Flipped Van Draanen, Wendelin
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2) Butcher, Jim
For The Win, Cory Doctorow
Four Past Midnight King, Stephen
Freefall Anhalt, Ariela -- gave away
From Potter's Field (Kay Scarpetta, #6) Cornwell, Patricia
The Funhouse Koontz, Dean

Geektastic: Stories from the Nerd Herd Black, Holly
The General in His Labyrinth Márquez, Gabriel García
Ghostwalk Stott, Rebecca
Ghost Sonata and When We Dead Awaken Strindberg, August
Ghosts Ibsen, Henrik Johan
Ginger Pye Estes, Eleanor
Girl at Sea, Maureen Johnson
The Girl Who Chased the Moon Allen, Sarah Addison
The Girl Who Could Fly, Victoria Forester
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon King, Stephen
Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires, #1) Caine, Rachel
Glass Soup Carroll, Jonathan
The Goblin Gate, Hilari Bell
Going Bovine, Libba Bray
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead (Rachel Morgan/The Hollows, #2) Harrison, Kim
The Good Soldier: A Tale of Passion Ford, Ford Madox
The Grand Tour: Being a Revelation of Matters of High Confidentiality and Greatest Importance, Including Extracts from the Intimate Diary of a Noblewoman and the Sworn Testimony of a Lady of Quality (Cecelia and Kate, #2) Wrede, Patricia C. and Caroline Stevermer
Granny Torrelli Makes Soup (Joanna Cotler Books) Creech, Sharon
Grave Peril (The Dresden Files, #3) Butcher, Jim
Great Short Stories by American Women Ward, Candace
The Green Mile: The Complete Serial Novel King, Stephen
Grimm's Grimmest Grimm, The Brothers

Halo (Halo, #1), Alexandra Adornetto
Hannibal Theodore Ayrault -- gave away
 A Hat Full of Sky, Terry Pratchett
Hater (Hater, #1), David Moody
Heart of a Samurai, Margi Preus
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Eggers, Dave
The Help Stockett, Kathryn
Hero, Mike Lupica
Hideaway Koontz, Dean
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide, #1) Adams, Douglas
The House of Dead Maids, Clare B. Dunkle
The House of the Seven Gables (Norton Critical Edition) Hawthorne, Nathaniel
The House on the Strand du Maurier, Daphne
How I Live Now Rosoff, Meg
How to Be Bad, E. Lockhart, Lauren Myracle, Sarah Mylnoski
How to Take the Ex Out of Ex-Boyfriend Rallison, Janette
How to (Un)cage a Girl, Francesca Lia Block
Hungry Hill du Maurier, Daphne
The Hunt for Red October (Special 15th Anniversary Edition) Clancy, Tom
Hush, Hush Fitzpatrick, Becca

I Am J, Cris Beam
I, Coriander Gardner, Sally
I Shall Wear Midnight, Terry Pratchett
Iced Clark, Carol Higgins
If I Stay Forman, Gayle
I Heart You, You Haunt Me Schroeder, Lisa
Immortal Shields, Gillian
Immortal Beloved, Cate Tiernan
Impossible Werlin, Nancy 
Incarceron (Incarceron, #1) Fisher, Catherine
In Dreams Begin, Skyler White
In the Hand of the Goddess (Song of the Lioness, #2) Pierce, Tamora
Ink Exchange (Wicked Lovely, #2), Melissa Marr
Into the Wild Nerd Yonder, Julie Halpern
Insomnia King, Stephen
The Iron Daughter (Iron Fey, #2) Kagawa, Julie
The Iron King (Iron Fey, #1) Kagawa, Julie 

Jakob the Liar Becker, Jurek
Jennifer Government Barry, Max
The Jew of Malta Marlowe, Christopher
Jinx Cabot, Meg
Journey to the Center of the Earth Verne, Jules

Kabul Beauty School: An American Woman Goes Behind the Veil Rodriguez, Deborah
Katarina Winter, Kathryn
The Key to the Golden Firebird, Maureen Johnson
Kill the Dead (Sandman Slim, #2), Richard Kadrey
Kiss Me Deadly: 13 Tales of Paranormal Love, various
The Kitchen House, Kathleen Grissom
The Kite Runner Hosseini, Khaled
The Kneebone Boy, Ellen Potter

Lady Knight (Protector of the Small, #4), Tamora Pierce
Lady Vernon and Her Daughter: A Jane Austen Novel Rubino, Jane
Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal Moore, Christopher
Lament: The Faerie Queen's Deception (Books of Faerie, #1), Maggie Steifvater
Leaves of Grass Whitman, Walt
The Letter Evans, Richard Paul
Leviathan Westerfeld, Scott 

Life As We Knew It (Moon, #1) Pfeffer, Susan Beth
Life of Pi Martel, Yann
The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1) Riordan, Rick 

The Lighthouse Keeper Pratt, James Michael
Like Water For Chocolate Esquivel, Laura
Little Children Perotta, Tom
A Little Wanting Song Crowley, Cath
A Lion Among Men (The Wicked Years, #3) Maguire, Gregory
Lioness Rampant (Song of the Lioness, #4) Pierce, Tamora
Little Bee, Chris Cleave
The Little White Horse Goudge, Elizabeth
A Living Nightmare (Cirque Du Freak, #1) Shan, Darren
Little Earthquakes Weiner, Jennifer
Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy Schmidt, Gary D.
Lonesome Dove McMurtry, Larry
A Long Way Down Hornby, Nick
Looking for Alaska Green, John
The Looking Glass Wars (Book 1) Beddor, Frank
Loser Spinelli, Jerry
The Love Curse of the Rumbaughs, Jack Gantos
Love in the Time of Cholera Márquez, Gabriel García
Love Is Hell, various
The Love Wife Jen, Gish
The Lover Duras, Marguerite
Lucan (Pendragon Legacy, #1) Kearney, Susan
The Lunatic, the Lover, and the Poet: A Novel, Myrlin A. Hermes

Magickeepers: The Eternal Hourglass Kirov, Erica
Magic Under Glass Dolamore, Jaclyn 
Magyk (Septimus Heap, #1) Sage, Angie
Maledicte (Antyre, #1) Robins, Lane
Manifest (Mystyx, #1), Artist Arthur
The Marbury Lens, Andrew Smith
Matched (Matched #1), Ally Condie
Matilda Dahl, Roald
The Memoirs of Cleopatra George, Margaret
The Merlin Conspiracy Jones, Diana Wynne
Merlin's Dragon (Merlin's Dragon trilogy, #1), T.A. Barron
Midnight Alley (The Morganville Vampires, #3), Rachel Caine
Midnight's Children Rushdie, Salman
A Million Little Pieces Frey, James
The Ministry of Special Cases Englander, Nathan
Misery King, Stephen
The Mislaid Magician or Ten Years After: Being the Private Correspondence Between Two Prominent Families Regarding a Scandal Touching the Highest Levels of Government and the Security of the Realm Patrica C Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
Miss Bennet and Mr Bingley, Fenella J Miller
Missing Mom: A Novel Oates, Joyce Carol
Moby Dick, Oxford World's Classics Melville, Herman
The Mockingbirds, Daisy Whitney
Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism Byng, Georgia
Monster Blood Tattoo (aka Foundling) Cornish, D.M.
Monster High, Lisi Harrison
The Monster Variations Kraus, Daniel
Monsters of Men (Chaos Walking, #3) Ness, Patrick
The Monstrumologist, Rick Yancey
Morality for Beautiful Girls (No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, #3) Smith, Alexander McCall
Mostly Harmless (Hitchhiker's Guide, #5) Adams, Douglas
A Mouse Called Wolf King-Smith, Dick
Mr. Darcy, Vampyre Grange, Amanda
Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: The Last Man in the World, Abigail Reynolds
The Mummy Rice, Anne
Murder at Mansfield Park, Lynn Shepherd
Murder on the Orient Express Christie, Agatha
My Antonia Cather, Willa
My Soul to Keep (Soul Screamers, #3), Rachel Vincent

N.P. Yoshimoto, Banana
Need (Need, #1) Jones, Carrie
Needful Things King, Stephen
Never Let Me Go Ishiguro, Kazuo
Nicola and the Viscount Cabot, Meg
Nightshade (Nightshade, #1), Andrea Cremer
The Night Tourist, Katherine Marsh
A Northern Light Donnelly, Jennifer
A Note From An Old Acquaintance Walker, Bill 

O, Juliet Maxwell, Robin
Odd and the Frost Giants, Neil Gaiman
Of Bees and Mist: A Novel Setiawan, Erick
Once Upon a Marigold Ferris, Jean
Our Lady of the Forest Guterson, David

Page (Protector of the Small, #2), Tamora Pierce
The Painted Boy, Charles de Lint
A Painted House Grisham, John
Paper Towns Green, John
Paradise Morrison, Toni
The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy Birdsall, Jeanne
Penelope Kaye, Marilyn
The People's Act of Love: A Novel Meek, James
Personal Demons (Personal Demons, #1), Lisa Desrochers
The Phantom of Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Murder Mystery, Regina Jeffers
The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane Howe, Katherine
The Plague Camus, Albert
The Plague of Doves: A Novel Erdich, Louise
Plain Kate, Erin Bow
Plain Truth Picoult, Jodi
The Poisonwood Bible Kingsolver, Barbara
Postcards From No Man's Land, Aiden Chambers
The Postmistress Blake, Sarah
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls Hockensmith, Steve 
The Prince Machiavelli, Niccolò
Princess Ben Murdoch, Catherine Gilbert
The Princess Bride Goldman, William
The Princess and the Hound, Mette Ivie Harrison
The Princess Diaries (The Princess Diaries, #1) Cabot, Meg
Princess in Love (The Princess Diaries, #3) Cabot, Meg
Princess in the Spotlight (The Princess Diaries, #2) Cabot, Meg
Princess in Waiting (The Princess Diaries, #4) Cabot, Meg
Purity of Blood (Adventures of Captain Alatriste #2) Pérez-Reverte, Arturo

The Rainmaker Grisham, John
A Raisin in the Sun Hansberry, Lorraine
Ralph S. Mouse Cleary, Beverly
Random Magic, Sasha Soren
Rebecca Maurier, Daphne du
Recipe for DisasterFergus, Maureen
The Red Badge of Courage Crane, Stephen
Reign or Shine (Demon Princess, #1) Rowen, Michelle
The Remarkable Life and Times of Eliza Rose Hooper, Mary
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (Hitchhiker's Guide, #2) Adams, Douglas
Riders to the Sea Synge, John Millington
Riven Rock Boyle, T.C.
The Road to Oz (Books of Wonder) Baum, L. Frank
The Road McCarthy, Cormac
The Robber Bride Atwood, Margaret
Roman Fever and Other Stories Wharton, Edith
Rosie Little's Cautionary Tales for Girls, Danielle Wood
Roots Haley, Alex
Rose Madder King, Stephen -- gave away

Sapphique (Incarceron, #2), Catherine Fisher
Scarlett Ripley, Alexandra
The Schwa Was Here Schusterman, Neal
The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #2) Riordan, Rick
The Search for WondLa, Tony di Terlizzi
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4 Townsend, Sue
The Secret of Ka, Christopher Pike
The Secret Life of Sparrow Delaney Harper, Suzanne
Selling Hope, Kristin O'Donnel Tubb
Shade's Children Nix, Garth
Shadow's Edge (Night Angel, #2) Weeks, Brent
Shift (Shifters, #5), Rachel Vincent
Sights Unseen: A Novel Gibbons, Kaye
The Silmarillion Tolkien, J.R.R.
Silver Borne (Mercedes Thompson, #5) Briggs, Patricia
Sir Seth Thistlethwaite and the Soothsayer's Shoes, Richard Thake
Six Characters in Search of an Author Pirandello, Luigi
Skellig, David Almond
The Smart One and the Pretty One LaZebnik, Claire
Smudge's Mark, Claudia Osmond
Solace of the Road Dowd, Siobhan
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (Hitchhiker's Guide, #4) Adams, Douglas
Solitary: Escape from Furnace 2, Alexander Gordon Smith
The Solomon Sisters Wise Up Senate, Melissa
Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires, #1) Neill, Chloe 
Song of Solomon Morrison, Toni
The Sorcerer of Sainte Felice, Ann Finnin
Sorcery and Cecelia or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot: Being the Correspondence of Two Young Ladies of Quality Regarding Various Magical Scandals in London and the Country (Cecelia and Kate, Book 1) Wrede, Patricia C. & Caroline Stevermer
Soulless (The Parasol Protectorate #1) Carriger, Gail 

Soulless Golden, Christopher
The Sound and the Fury: The Corrected Text Faulkner, William
The Sound of Blue: A Novel Payne, Holly
Sounder Armstrong, William H.
Sovay Rees, Celia
Speak Anderson, Laurie Halse
Special Topics in Calamity Physics Pessl, Marisha
A Spot of Bother Haddon, Mark
Spy Glass (Glass, #3), Maria V. Snyder
Squire (Protector of the Small, #3), Tamora Pierce
Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1) Butcher, Jim
The Story of Edgar Sawtelle Wroblewski, David
Story Time Bloor, Edward
The Stranger Camus, Albert
Submission: A Novel Blau, Marthe
The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials, #2) Pullman, Philip
Suite Française Némirovsky, Irène
Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow George, Jessica Day 
The Supernaturalist Colfer, Eoin
The Sweet Hereafter: A Novel Banks, Russell -- gave away
The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie Bradley, Alan 

The Taking Koontz, Dean
The Tail of Emily Windsnap, Liz Kessler
The Tale of the Body Thief (The Vampire Chronicles, #4) Rice, Anne
The Talisman King, Stephen
Taurus Eyes (Star Crossed, #2), Bonnie Hearn Hill
Teen Idol Cabot, Meg
Then We Came to the End Ferris, Joshua
Thinner King, Stephen
Thirteen Reasons Why, Jay Asher
This Is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn Chambers, Aidan
Three Bags Full Swann, Leonie
Three Plays: Blood Wedding/Yerma/the House of Bernada Alba Lorca, Federico García
Timothy and the Dragon's Gate, Adrienne Kress
The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #3) Riordan, Rick
Titus and Atreus Myers, Meridi
The Tommyknockers King, Stephen
The Topless Prophet: The True Story of America's Most Successful Gentleman's Club Entrepreneur Markovitz, Alan

The Tree Bride Mukherjee, Bharati
Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life's Greatest Lesson Albom, Mitch
Tunnels of Blood (Cirque Du Freak, #3) Shan, Darren
Twilight Eyes Koontz, Dean
Two Moon Princess, Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban
The Two Princesses of Bamarre Levine, Gail Carson

Under the Dome King, Stephen
Up from the Blue: A Novel, Susan Henderson

Vampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1) Mead, Richelle
The Vampire's Assistant (Cirque Du Freak, #2) Shan, Darren
Vampire Haiku Mecum, Ryan
Vanishing and Other Stories, Deborah Willis
Vanity Fair Thackeray, William Makepeace
Vestments, John Reimringer
Violence 101, Dennis Wright
The Violent Bear It Away: A Novel O'Connor, Flannery
Volpone and Other Plays Jonson, Ben

Waiting: A Novel Jin, Ha
Walden, or Life in the Woods Thoreau, Henry David
The Wake of the Lorelei Lee: Being an Account of the Adventures of Jacky Faber, on her Way to Botany Bay  , L.A. Meyer
Waking The Witch, Kelley Armstrong
Watch Your F*cking Language: How to swear effectively, explained in explicit detail and enhanced by numerous examples taken from everyday life Johnson, Sterling
Watchmen Moore, Alan
Watership Down Adams, Richard
The Way of All Flesh Butler, Samuel
The Way of Shadows (Night Angel, #1) Weeks, Brent
The Wee Free Men  , Terry Pratchett
West from Home: Letters of Laura Ingalls Wilder, San Francisco, 1915 Wilder, Laura Ingalls
What I Was Rosoff, Meg
When We Were Orphans Ishiguro, Kazuo
Where the Heart Is Letts, Billie
The Whipping Boy Fleischman, Sid
White Oleander Fitch, Janet
The Wild Duck Ibsen, Henrik Johan
Wild Robert Jones, Dianna Wynne
Will, Maria Boyd
Winesburg, Ohio Anderson, Sherwood
The Wish List Colfer, Eoin
Wit'ch Gate (The Banned and the Banished, Book 4) Clemens, James
The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Speare, Elizabeth George
Witches Kitchen, Allen Williams
A Wizard of Earthsea (The Earthsea Cycle, #1) LeGuin, Ursula K.
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase Aiken, Joan
The Woman Who Rides Like a Man (Song of the Lioness, #3) Pierce, Tamora
The Wrong Mother: A Novel Hannah, Sophie

The Year of the Flood Atwood, Margaret
Year of Wonders Brooks, Geraldine
Yellow Visman, Jann
You, Charles Benoit
You Killed Wesley Payne, Sean Beaudoin

Zombies vs. Unicorns, various