Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bottoms Up!

For the list, see below.

This year, inspired by thoughts of my impending doom -- I really might die under a collapsed stack of books -- I thought I'd set the goal of having at least 60% of what I read be something I own*. I actually want to aim higher, but I'm like an addict, so I am weaning myself from the whole buying-books-but-reading-library-books-instead-because-the-library-books-have-to-go-back thing. This really does need to be a priority.
Now, I know that this could really backfire on me. I may decide that I simply have to read a certain book, and hey, maybe I should just buy it... And yes, I am sure that will happen on a few occasions, if I can't fit it into the other 40% or so; but the idea is to read-down the tbr. (For instance, I know I will buy Changeless and the 3rd book of The Hunger Games, so...)

Lucky for me, my buddy Elie is having a challenge that will help me accomplish this goal:

Elie says:
As I look at my TBR stack(s), I can't help but notice the shiny ones at the bottom. You know which ones I mean, when you first got them they looked so exciting. But slowly, little by little they made their way to the bottom and can't seem to find their way back up.

The Bottoms Up Challenge is simple. Each month, take 2-3 titles off the bottom and read them. So that would be...let's see...12-36 books in a year's time. That should make a dent.

Wanna make a dent in your tbr monster? Head over to Ellz Readz and join me. Together, we can beat this thing.

*Actually, I'm going to aim for 2 out of every 3 books, so it's more like 67%.

(If it is linked, it's to my review; if not, I got lazy and didn't review)

Woman Who Rides Like a Man by Tamora Pierce
Lioness Rampant by Tamora Pierce
Soulless by Gail Carriger
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
Firespell by Chloe Neill
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan


  1. Have fun with the challenge, good luck! :)

  2. Good luck ! And you won't die under a collapsed stack of books : books are nice, they only fall if you've been mean. Have ya ? ;)

  3. Never, Charlotte. I play with my books and take them for walks every day, and I always feed them promptly.

  4. If it wasn't for the fact that I have already signed up to too many challenges this year, or that my TBR pile is now among all my other books on my bookcases, and therefore isn't a pile and has no bottom, I would sign up! Thankfully, some of the other challenges I'm taking part in involve reading books I already own, so it's all good! :)

  5. Ohh, good luck with cutting down your own TBR pile, btw! Hope you enjoy your reading!


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