Sunday, March 14, 2010

Be My Guest, Tara of 25 Hour Books!

Today's BMG is going to shed light on a very serious topic: PABD.  Tara of 25 Hour Books, a PABD expert is going to walk us through the stages of PABD, what it is and how to -- well, not cure it, exactly, but learn to live with it as best we can.  Tara, take it away.

P.A.B.D. has plagued me on and off for my entire life. I know many bookworms who are faced with the same problem. Please read on to see if you have PABD and see how you can help yourself or others suffering from this disorder.

So what is P.A.B.D.?

Post Amazing Book Depression - The over-whelming sad feeling one gets after finishing a great book.
Signs of P.A.B.D.
  • missing characters
    • often includes talking about characters in day to day life
      • ex. I wonder what Katsa and Po are doing.
      • ex. Do you think Cat and Bones will get married?
      • ex. If she doesn't choose Eric, I don't know how I'll survive.
        • (side note: If your friends do not understand the above phrases, you need new friends.)
    • hearing songs that remind you of certain characters/scenes
  • constant rereading of the same book
    • extreme cases can lead to the reading of fan-fiction
  • stalking of the author
    • constantly checking their blog for updates
    • Googling interviews in which the book (or series) are mentioned
    • joining multiple fansites
  • lack of interest in other books
    • finding yourself staring at your bookshelf and seeing nothing worth reading
    • wandering around the bookstore/library picking up and putting back books

    How to live with P.A.B.P.

  • Find other books by the same author.
    • Is there more in the series?
  • Search for books with similar themes.
    • Thanks to the hard work some dedicated book lovers, you can find sites that help you find books similar to those you love.
    • Use Amazon to see what others are buying that liked the book.
  • Have a rebound book.
    • Keep a favorite book on hand to immerse yourself in.
  • Force a friend to read the book
    • This will give you a chance to experience reading the book through someone else.
    • You will then have someone to endlessly discuss the book with.

Books Known to Cause PABD

Do you have PABD? What book caused it? How do you deal with it?

Thanks for shedding light on this very serious disorder plaguing the book-loving community, Tara.
Be on your guard, people.  Don't fall victim to P.A.B.D. -- but if you do, let me know what book did it!

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  1. This is one of the best posts I've read in a long time! I'll be linking to it in my weekly wrap-up! I totally know what you mean. I'm definitely prone to PABD at times. Great job guys! :)

  2. love the post! and the pic says it all.

  3. Awesome guest post! I have had this so many times! Other the following books:
    The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
    The Belgariad, Mallorean, Elenium and Tamuli series, and The Redemption of Alphalus - all by David Eddings
    The Farseer Trilogy, The Liveship Traders Trilogy, and the Tawny Man Trilogy by Robin Hobb
    The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
    The Shifters series by Rachel Vincent
    The Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine
    The Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost
    Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick

    I think I could probably go on, but that's enough listed for now. It's so nice to know others feel my pain!

  4. I made a mistake! It should say Althalus, not Alphalus! Sorry!

  5. This was such a great and funny post. I was and still am so filled with PABD now that Harry Potter is done. No more anticipation of the next book. But I plan to read them all again, many times. And I know I was elated when my sister told me she was reading Twilight finally, it really made us bond. :)
    Alayne - The Crowded Leaf

  6. Oh my! I've been diagnosed! I had no idea what was wrong with me until now. But I am so very sick - your recommended coping mechanisms have lead to some rather obsessive behavior. Is there a pill I can take?

  7. HIlariously fabulous post! I have definitely suffered from this far too many times to count!

  8. Oh I have had my fair share of books that left me with PABD and withdrawal. The Strangers in Paradise books did that to me, as well as Time Traveler's Wife. Oh, and the first 6 Outlander books when I read them in succession. I'm sure there are others. I know there are others. What a great post!

  9. Ahahahah! Fantastic post! yeah, I have PABD, too. My main book to PABD is Kushiel's Dart by Jacqueline Carey.So wonderful! My crack, lol!

  10. Yes, I am currently suffering from PABD. I've recently finished the first four books in Karen Marie Moning's Fever series, and the final book only comes out in December ... AAAHHHHH ... did I mention I'm SUFFERING??! :o

  11. I'm currently READING the Hunger Games and I'm suffering from PABD already. Knowing that I can get my hands on Catching Fire, it's not that bad but it's SOOOOOOOOOO long until Mockingjay comes out...

  12. I'm currently READING the Hunger Games and I'm suffering from PABD already. Knowing that I can get my hands on Catching Fire, it's not that bad but it's SOOOOOOOOOO long until Mockingjay comes out...

  13. I suffer from PABD from HUNGER GAMES!!! Ya, know how they had 18 OTHER games?? Well I am constently looking at a place and saying, "Well they could of had one on a terrain like this." HAHAHA I think I am going crazy!!


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