Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Face Off (9)

Continuing the dystopian theme from last week, and the hair-in-the-face theme from the Impossible FFO, I give you two new dystopias, Genesis and Birthmarked.  They both have a dark, oceany cover, and they both have the hair thing going on.  Both have made it onto my tbr list, but the question remains, which has the more striking cover?
who did it better?


Genesis published 2009
Birthmarked TBpublished March 2010

Last Week on FFO:  Two dystopias, Never Let Me Go and The Unidentified, went big-eyed face to big-eyed face; The Unidentified blinked first, and Never Let Me Go won.  You thought the eyes in NLMG were more striking, and were irritated by the illegibility of TU; I agree.

Have you seen any cover-twins? Comment with the titles!


  1. I definitely prefer Genesis, it's simple yet beautiful. I think there's to much going on in the Birth Marked cover.

  2. Ohman, so Birthmarked! It's so ridiculous creepy, whereas the other is just. . .blah.

  3. Genesis but probably only because I've read it ;)

  4. In like Genesis better. Birthmarked is kind if confusing.

  5. Genesis. I might be a bit colored by the fact that I have read the book, but there just something about the Birth Marked cover that doesn't appeal to me.

  6. At first glance, I'd say Genesis looks better - clearer, more defined. Birth Marked looks more interesting if you take the time to study the cover a bit.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.