Sunday, March 7, 2010

Jane in June is coming -- and you're invited!

I've been having a Jane Austen craving lately, and I think I've stumbled upon the perfect cure: an all-Jane month right in the beautiful beginning of summer. So after mulling it over awhile, I give you

You gotta love alliteration; that was the deciding factor, actually. I really hope die-hard Janeites and Jane virgins alike will participate (she's really not scary or boring, JVs, I promise).

So here's the deal:
  • It's going to be a month-long event, running from June 1st to June 30th.
  • Anyone can participate, and all are encouraged to.
  • There will be goodies, but those are tbd and hush-hush.
  • Guest posters are encouraged, and I am more than willing to link to your Jane-related post, or feature you and your Jane love.
  • All of my content will be Janecentric: reviews, Friday Face Offs, Waiting Ons, etc.

To play, just do one of the following:
  • Read any Jane book
  • Read any Jane-inspired book
  • Watch any Jane movie
  • Discuss Jane in some way
  • Guest post on Jane
  • Write a Dear Jane letter
  • Whatever you may come up with - just let me know!
Details are still a little fuzzy, but I wanted to let you know now so you can decide if you want to play, and what you may want to do. There will be link pages and giveaways, hopefully some delightful goodies, and a glorious month of Jane. I've made a Google Doc for ideas and participation requests: you do not have to fill this out just to participate; anyone can review or post and link during JnJ. This is just for ease of communication. If you think you may want to guest post or be featured, or have an idea you would like to contribute, please fill out the form.

UPDATE: You can still participate, everyone, but the Doc is closed because I won't be checking it and tracking people down. From here on out, if you want in, email me or write it up and send it.
Or go Rogue.

That's all on JnJ for now. Feel free to post the button anywhere, or stir up interest if you are a Jane-lover and want to participate. Hope to see you all in your bonnets and coattails come June!


  1. I've been wanting to read Jane Austen's books for a while, and I think June will be the perfect time. I can't wait! :]

  2. I will join in also-I have 3 Jane novels still to go and I will read one of them-

  3. I love anything Austen and look forward to this!

  4. Count me in. Austen here I come! :)

  5. Great idea! I'm so excited! I've been craving some Jane myself after reading her work for the first time last year. Then having picked up a retelling recently was pulled back into her work. I just blogged all this a couple days ago, but maybe I'll hold off on re reading all her work till June! :D

  6. Found it! Sounds awesome. I'll be filling out the form to join in in some way! :)

  7. Sounds fantastic! I look forward to Jane in June and am very excited to participate!

  8. Totally in! Already got the link on my blog.

  9. So excited! Will put the link in my blog and eagerly await June! Definetly would like to do a post somehow...let me think on it!


  10. Jane in June sounds awesome! Count me in! I am going to put a link on my blog as well.

  11. Oh for the love of Jane! I'll be there.

  12. OK, I definitely need to be involved in this. :)

  13. This is awesome and I'm definitely in :)

  14. Sounds great - count me in! :-)

  15. I will definitely participate. I adore Jane Austen and its been too long since I read anything by her. I will try to read at least 2 of her works, Sense and Sensibility being first and then Emma second. Plus I have like dozens of Austen-inspired sequels so I will check those out finally too!

  16. +JMJ+

    What a nice idea! =)

    I've been looking for a reason to reread Sense and Sensibility and have an Austen vs Bronte smackdown, so "Jane in June" is something to look forward to!

    PS--I heard about this on The Introverted Reader's blog. =)

  17. I've linked this to my blog, anything Austen is a go for me!

  18. I LOVE Jane Austen. I'll definitely be participating!

  19. Never having read Jane, I think I'll do this. I have Pride and Prejudice on my shelf ready to go.

    Moreover, I had to comment because I love the header image. Rats are just too adorable, but rats in books is really lovable!

  20. This sounds like so much fun! Count me in!

  21. Fantastic idea! I'm a huge Jane Austen fan, and this coincides perfectly with a summer course I'm taking about her! Can't wait to get started and to read everyone's reviews!

  22. I consider Jane Austen 'soul food' Every fall I have to re-read for the umpteenth time at least two of her books for a fix. I like the June JA blast- I'm in!

  23. Glad I found your blog! I'm always up for some JA.
    I will have finished the JA bookclub run through my library moderated by a cool young professor lady. Since I found out she liked audiobooks I couldn't resist passing along "Clarissa" and recommending "Sylvester" and "Venetia" :)

  24. Hi Misty! I LOVE Jane, so I'll be participating! :D

  25. Love this idea. I tried to sign up on the Google.doc and it said it was closed. I will not be deterred, though...I am joining in all Sarah Palin-like (rogue).

  26. You can still participate, everyone, but the Doc is closed because I won't be checking it and tracking people down. From here on out, if you want in, email me or write it up and send it.
    Or go Rogue.

  27. I adore Jane! I have a ton of biographies about Jane and fun Janish books like Tea With Jane Austen. I think I will blog a few of those!!

  28. I just posted a review of the book Becoming Jane Austen if anyone is interested in a great biography of Jane Austen.

  29. Jane in June...nothing could be better! Except Jane year round that is!

    Stiletto Storytime


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