Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Orange Shelf

For your viewing pleasure, here is a peek at my orange shelf:

And half of my blue shelf, apparently.  As you can see, the orange shelf is pretty tidy compared to most of my shelves.  Shame it doesn't always look like this.  But because of space issues, my orange and yellow shelves are really one and the same, and it normally looks like this:

And if I'm being honest, that's even on the tidy side.  Normally there is various bric-a-brac there as well...

Orange books not pictured:
This is All: the Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn
 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (which is yellow and orange)
Solace of the Road (which is kinda peachy)
Soulless (the Christopher Golden book, not the Gail Carriger one)
Of Bees and Mist (resides on another shelf.  And by shelf, I mean the top of my tv)
Mosquito (which has a yellow and orange striped binding, but which is massive and doesn't fit well anywhere)
The Love Wife and The Circus in Winter (both of which are a reddish orange)

Peek at my other shelves:


  1. I never tire of these posts. SO cool :)

  2. I adore the orange shelf. :)

  3. Orange is "interesting" color on books because it pops out, until you made me think about it with these posts never really paid attention to my book spines colors much....

    jackie b central texas

  4. I've thought about various different ways to organize my bookshelves, color being one of them. And although I think I'd be too hesitant to do it, because it would mean splitting up authors and series, I absolutely LOVE how yours looks! I may have to give it a trial run sometime because it's so pretty!
    The Crowded Leaf

  5. Love it! Yay for Poisonwood Bible and Watchmen. Although it hurts my heart to see series split up, but to each her own.

    Your shelves are lovely, I can't wait to see the next color!!

  6. I love your orange shelf - orange is my favorite colour :o)


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