Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday Face Off (12)

So...due to some technical difficulties, there was no FFO last week (the difficulty being that I was technically too lazy to post one...)  But I'm going to make up for that today.  So let's get down to it, shall we?


But wait! There's more...


Yeah.  4 books, 1 stock photo.  And yes, one of them is the (creepy) Bible.  No joke.  So.  All the same picture, all the same layout, pretty much, but the question still remains:
which one did it better?
Last Week on FFO:  Okay, so technically it wasn't last week, but last time on FFO, Touching Darkness (another Scott Westerfeld book, making this week FFO-2-N-A-Row) took on Shelter Me; Touching Darkness didn't find any Shelter with a cheesy cover like that, and Shelter Me won for being more atmospheric.

Side Note: the boxers have been named...

Seen any cover twins?  Have two books you want to go head to head?  Let me know in the comments!


  1. Whoa! They're like identical! I think I like the one with the city in the background best.

  2. creepy indeed! and the bible too! sorry, i'm drawn to scott westerfeld's name. so that's what i'm picking ;-D

    LOL - on your technical difficulties

  3. I swear that's also the same cover that The Host by Stephenie Meyer has!

    Well, almost. Not quite as freaky similar as the four you found. (Serious, the Bible? WTF??)

  4. The Laughing Corpse - although they're all so much alike that it's really hard to pick!
    Is that REALLY the bible? Seriously?!?

  5. I'm picking the Eric Wilson book just because I like the placement of the name and the title and the fonts - very clearly laid out. Can't believe they all used the same pic, particulary the Bible!

  6. Yes! Here's to awesome boxer names. Honestly the boxers are my favorite part each week. :)

    Oh, and the books... um .. I can't choose, they're all so similar! *hides*

  7. I prefer the Westerfeld cover (because I like the yellow color) or the Wilson cover (simple and well done)

  8. I like the Westerfield cover-the color is catching.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.