Friday, June 11, 2010

GIVEAWAY: Tea and Biscuits (<-- that's cookies to us Yanks!)

I don't know about you personally, but when I'm reading something really good, especially a comfort book (all Jane is comfort), I get the overwhelming urge to curl up with something warm and fragrant to drink, and maybe a little something to nosh on.  Fortunately, Kai has decided to offer us the perfect accompaniment to our Jane readings:

What you'll get if you win:
  • 3 boxes of Ahmad Tea: English Breakfast, English Afternoon and Darjeeling Tea 
  • Carr's Ginger Lemon Cremes Cookies  
  • and Stash Honey Sticks

Want it?  Just fill out this form!
Ends June 30th.
Open to US only!


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.