Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Zombie Teaser: Zombie Blondes by Brian James + upcoming guest appearance!

 From the moment Hannah Sanders arrived in town, she felt there was something wrong.
A lot of houses were for sale, and the town seemed infected by an unearthly quiet. And then, on Hannah's first day of classes, she ran into a group of cheerleaders — the most popular girls in school.
The odd thing was that they were nearly identical in appearance: blonde, beautiful, and deathly pale.
But Hannah wants desperately to fit in — regardless of what her friend Lukas is telling her: if she doesn't watch her back, she's going to be blonde and popular and dead — just like all the other zombies in this town....

Yes.  I made myself into a zombie for you.  Hope you liked it.

But I have something coming I know you're going to like...
Helluva Halloween is right around the corner, kittens, and it's bringing with it some pretty cool things.  

Like a guest post from Zombie Blondes author Brian James.  
You know, a little light reading for the dark and lonely hours of the night. 

And maybe a chance to console yourself with a signed copy of Zombie Blondes...

Stay tuned... 

(Oh, and if you're wondering what I said at the end of the video, it's "Zombie Blondes, y'all!")


  1. Misty, SUPER make-up job ... who says zombies can't look great?! lol

    Adding Zombie Blondes to the ol' TBR pile :)

  2. I absolutely agree with Mary Ann! Thank you for the teaser! :D

  3. mmmmmisty? is that you? no, don't tell me. it's only the 2nd week of September Zombies. i can't afford to lose a Zombiette... yet...

  4. Great zombie makeup (or was it your real complexion??? I'm on to you!).
    That was a very gory teaser! Good choice. :)

  5. AWESOME!!!


  6. Nice makeup! :)

    I have that book on my shelf in my TBR pile - got it in the discount section at Chapters. Hopefully I can read it for October before Hallowe'en.


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