Sunday, January 30, 2011

IMM: January

Here's my IMM for January.
In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren.  But you already knew that, didn't you... ;p


  1. Bound is definitely one of my favorite of the Napoli books I've read. I really hope you like it! I thought it was wonderful!

    And, I'm very excited for Fairy Tale Fortnight!! :)

  2. I read Bound when I was in high school, and I really enjoyed it. I honestly don't remember all that much about it, but I remember liking it! Maybe I'll have to add it to my re-read list!

  3. So many books! I love it. lol

  4. I love that version of Sanditon! Marie Dobbs does do a really excellent job of continuing the story and the romance between the two leads is very sweet :)

    Also, that A Matter of Magic cover is gorgeous. If you liked Sorcery & Cecelia then you'll probably enjoy Mairelon the Magician and Magician's Ward as well (though personally I prefer S&C because it is just such a fantastic feel-good comfort read). Have you read her Dealing with Dragons series as well?

  5. Good luck with all of those books. It looks like you have many amazing ones to get to !

    There is still time to enter my Steampunkery Giveaway!!!

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews
    Forbidden Steam  Adult- even the Mad Scientist gets naughty!

  6. Fabulous IMM. Love your personality. A Matter of Magic has a fantastic cover, definitely going to grab a copy. Enjoy your goodies and your duplicate copies. LOL

  7. Oh I loved Skellig. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  8. You have some neat looking books there.

    I know how you feel with forgetting what books you have I do that too. I even write them all dow and still forget.

  9. I love the cover, too, for A Matter of Magic! I've been meaning to read it also!

    Check out my mailbox this week

  10. Nice books you got there. The Forest of Hands and Teeth is very good! I loved that book. :) Happy Reading.

  11. A fanstastic pile of books! They all look very interesting. Happy reading :)
    Check out what's In My Mailbox

    Mia @GrippedintoBooks

  12. I've ordered the same book more than once, too...Actually, it was right around Dec/ Jan that I started doing that. Must've been brain addled from Christmas-y stuff.

  13. Misty, you did a vlog-yay! Wow, you are going to need another bookshlelf-great hau! Happy Reading.

  14. Ahhh forgetting what you have on your shelf....I've been there too :) Sometimes if it's a book that I like having different editions, I forget which editions I have. I have Hush too but have been meaning to read it for the longest time.

  15. Great vlog :) Wish I had the courage to do one!
    Great books too ;)

  16. Danya: I have Dealing with Dragons, but I haven't read it yet.

    Jennifer: Thanks! ;p

    Elie: I always try to do a vlog for IMM because you need to see the covers. But sometimes I can't, for various reasons.

    Hattie: I blame it on Christmas, too...

  17. Once a Witch is so good! Can't wait for the rest of the series.

    Bex -


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