Sunday, March 27, 2011

IMM: 3/27/11

I had fun with this one, as I am sure you will see by the end...
Links at the bottom!

Kristi @ The Story Siren
Velvet @ vvb32 reads (I forgot you in the credits, Velvet!  Sorry :| )
Angelique @ Vampires and Tofu
Ashley @ Books from Bleh to Basically Amazing
Fairy Tale Fortnight
Mumford and Sons
Ghirardelli Yumminess
Cloaked by Alex Flinn
Steel by Carrie Vaughn
Blood and Flowers by Penny Blubaugh
Wither by Lauren DeStefano
The Demon Trapper's Daughter by Jana Oliver


  1. WOW this is a great haul!

    I read Cloaked and thought it was okay. Not amazing, but not totally awful either. Blood and Flowers is nicely written and the world is well built, although I thought the pacing to awkward at times.

    So excited for Wither! I'm either going to read it next or squeeze in one more book before it. An you've just made me lust for Steel. I made need to order that one.

    Also Mumford and Sons is AMAZING. I need a new album from them.

    Lastly, I did not know Ghiradelli made brownie mixes! I want to go to there...

  2. Misty, though I have been fawing over the cover of Steel, I don't think I have once read a summary (pathetic I know). thanks for sharing it was about pirates, because I know I will be picking this one up (and not just for the cover). Happy Reading.

  3. The sad thing, Liz, is that I really don't know when I'm going to have time for any of them! I was making a schedule the other day, and the coming weeks are jampacked around my work schedule, and there's not a lot of wiggle room, At least, not if I want my events to be worth, um...eventing?
    The brownies were INSANE.

    And who can resist pirates?

  4. Oh, and YESSSSSS on a new M&S album! Now, please!

  5. I'm jealous of Cloaked and Steel.

  6. Great IMM!! I can't wait to read Steel and The Demon Trapper's Daughter! Enjoy!

  7. STEEL! It sound SO good! I hope the heroine is as kickbutt as she seems!

  8. Great books you got this week. I thought that Cloaked was a nice read. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

  9. Those book in your vlog looks shining. I want that wither copy.

  10. I loved the cover of Steel and cannot wait to read it and Wither. Also love Flinn but was not as impressed with Cloaked as I was Beastly. Demon Trappers Daughter is awesome, hope you like it.

  11. Awesome haul, I see you like Hardbacks! Hope you love Wither as much as I did. ^^

    My IMM

  12. Love your vlogs! Great books this week. I haven't read Wither yet either and the reviews do seem to be at both ends of the spectrum - can't wait to see what you think of it.

    Happy Reading!

  13. I came solely for the fact I love your Blog name.. Book Rat :)

    Nice stash for the IMM. Hope you have a blast with your new reads and hope you enjoy Wither. :)

  14. great haul =) i hope you enjoy them all.

  15. Thanks, everyone!

    @Aisle B - I am a friend to the rat, for sure, and I haunt bookstores and libraries (like a mall rat, but with books), so it seemed natural.

    @ComaCalm - I actually meant to say something about that in the video! Generally, I DON'T buy hardbacks at all; I am much more a paperback person, but if it's a good deal or I want it badly enough, I will buy hardbacks. (Or if every other book I have for a series is in hardback -- they need to match!)

  16. Tons of great books this week. I do love all those covers. Hope you love Wither and the rest. Happy Reading!

  17. I thought Wither was good, not great but good! Most definitely worth your time to read.

    I just got Cloaked and Steel, too!
    We'll have to compare notes! Like you, I got my recommendations from people I trust so I think I'll like them!

    I really enjoyed your VLOG, I wish I had the nerve but I'd be sputtering all over the place! Great job!

    Stop by and see me!

    Kristi-The Book Faery

  18. Loved your Vlog! I don't usually watch or read IMM but I like some and yours is one. I am reading Steel- jury still out on that one. I read the Demon Trapper's Daughter. As far as I'm concerned you should have gone with your instincts. I have Wither and can't wait to read it, though I'm worried about mixed reviews.

    About DTD- It was an okay start, but the characters needed to be tightened up major for me. I will read the next book in the series though. Lots of people liked it way more than I did.


  19. Oh and so love Mumford and Sons! Check out their podcasts on iTunes. They are also funny as all get out!


  20. Misty, I think you will definitely see me stopping by during your Fairytale Fortnight! I want to read Steel, Wither and Demon Trapper's Daughter really bad, I have the latter but I need to actually read it! LOL! Have a great week!

  21. You got such great books this week!!! Steel and Cloaked look really good! I can't wait to see your reviews on them. Great IMM can't wait until next week!

  22. WITHER was amazing! And I wanted to read Cloaked -- I looked in it on Amazon and thought it seemed promising. Though I don't know any of the other books, just these two are awesome enough that you're likely to have a great week with them :D. happy reading!!

  23. You have a lot of reading ahead of you! Enjoy!

    I love the design of your blog! New follower.

    My Bookshelf

  24. hey sweets, no prob. love to see me in the post and thanks for the pirates tease. arghhhhh ;-D


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