Tuesday, March 15, 2011

TBR Tuesday: The Painted Boy

Because I have a lot of books hiding on my shelves, and I still want to bring them to your attention, I give you:

Teetering at the top of Mt TBR....

The Painted Boy
by Charles de Lint 

Jay Li should be in Chicago, finishing high school and working at his family's restaurant. Instead, as a born member of the Yellow Dragon Clan—part human, part dragon, like his grandmother—he is on a quest even he does not understand. His journey takes him to Santo del Vado Viejo in the Arizona desert, a town overrun by gangs, haunted by members of other animal clans, perfumed by delicious food, and set to the beat of Malo Malo, a barrio rock band whose female lead guitarist captures Jay's heart. He must face a series of dangerous, otherworldly—and very human—challenges to become the man, and dragon, he is meant to be. This is Charles de Lint at his best!

This is another ALA arc I picked up.  I've only ever read one other thing by de Lint (The Blue Girl), but I really liked it and have always meant to read more -- I know his fans are very devoted, and that bears looking into.
But I've never really done dragons.  I don't know why, it's just never been my thing.  But I am curious to see what de Lint does with it, and really should get to this sooner rather than later, I think.
Have any of you read this, or are you a big fan of de Lint?  
What's on your TBR?


  1. Oh, I have neither heard of this one or have picked up one of his other books. *Hides face in shame*

    Although, this one does sound rather interesting. Mildly intriguing can make for a wonderful read especially when you have no idea what to expect.

    Mad Scientist

  2. It's not so much about dragons as sentient separate creatures, but as a force of nature. I'm not big into dragons either (except from Patricia Wrede's Enchanted Forest Chronicles), but de Lint is one of my all time favorite writers. Start with Dreams Underfoot for an intro into the wonderful world of Newford.

  3. The Blue Girl is a fantastic read. I'll have to try this one out, too :)

  4. Thanks for the giveaway , Happy St Paddy's day

  5. This one is on my TBR coming up hopefully next month. Bought it because I love his books. Yet have not read it yet.. lol


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