Sunday, May 1, 2011

IMM: 5/1/11

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren.  Find out more here.

Awesomeness mentioned (books received):
The Soldier's Wife by Margaret Leroy
Eon by Alison Goodman ($4.00 on Amazon!)
Noah Barleywater Runs Away by John Boyne
StarCrossed by Elizabeth C Bunce
The Captain Jack Sparrow Handbook by Jason Heller
The Stolen One by Suzanne Crowley
Hawksmaid by Kathryn Laskey


  1. Haven't heard of any of those besides Eon (though I'm not really sure what it's about). Hope you enjoy them all though!

    My Mailbox

  2. A great pile of books! They all seem great. I've heard wuite a lot about Starcroseed, might give it a shot :)
    Check out what's In My Mailbox

    Mia @GrippedintoBooks

  3. Omg! There's a Captain Jack Sparrow handbook? MUST HAVE. Seems like a nice mailbox you got this week. I especially liked Starcrossed and I hope you enjoy it as well. And that handbook really looks cool.

    Take a look at what's in my Mailbox.

  4. I have Starcrossed and The Stolen One but haven't read them yet. Eon is on my wishlist. Enjoy! :D


  5. I want Starcrossed but I keep forgetting to buy it. xD

    My IMM

  6. Eon is so amazing in so many ways. I totally recommend it.

  7. i have the swan kingdom on my shelf and i can't wait to read it. it sounds awesome. so many great books this week! happy reading :)

    Please check out our IMM if you have time.


  8. let's be real....$4 doesn't really count anyway. That's how I justified my Eon purchase anyway :)

    Um....Cinderella set in fuedal Japan? COUNT ME IN. I'll be on the lookout for that when it comes out. Oh man, I'm geeking with you now.

    Love your IMMs!

  9. I really want Starcrossed! Hope you enjoy the books!

  10. I've only heard of two of these books but they all sound interesting. I really enjoyed Starcrossed and hope I like Eon.

  11. Fantastic bargain. I love the cover of Eon. Happy reading. Haha, that Jack Sparrow Handbook sounds like a lot of fun! :)

  12. The Swan Kingdom is such a great book! Enjoy!

    Here's my mailbox. Have a great week!

    Nora, The Bookery

  13. Nice books *O* I'm waiting to read Eon and also Starcrossed! Heard some great things about both books! Hope you enjoy ♥

  14. I haven't read any of those books (or heard of them). Now I get to go look them up! :)

    My Mailbox Monday

  15. You always have a wonderful pile of books to share with us.

    I'm slowly making my way through Starcrossed.

    Zombies are for May!  Morbid Romantica Challenge links are up for Zombies along with a few book ideas.  Some I myself will be trying out! Stop by and let me know which Zombie book I should be reading!

    Mad Scientist
    Steampunkery & Book Reviews
    For The L♥ve of Reading

  16. Hmm, I've never heard of these books before. Thanks for bringing them to my attention, as well as for stopping by the blog yesterday!

    Asher K.

  17. The only one in your extensive IMM that I've heard of is The Soldier's Wife. I need to check out your other titles here when I have a moment. Have a great week!

    My Bookshelf


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