Tuesday, August 30, 2011

TBR Tuesday: The Humming Room

Most of us have books we've bought with all intentions of reading (or maybe just because it was cheap!), only to have them fade away on a shelf or disappear into a stack of books, never to be seen or thought of again.
TBR Tuesday is a way to talk about the books we own but haven't read, see what other people think about them, and help us decide whether to bump it up our list or knock it off completely.

On my TBR

The Humming Room by Ellen Potter
Middle grade literary, 288 pages
Expected publication: February 28th 2012
by Feiwel & Friends

Hiding is Roo Fanshaw’s special skill.
Living in a frighteningly unstable family, she often needs to disappear at a moment’s notice. When her parents are murdered, it’s her special hiding place under the trailer that saves her life.
As it turns out, Roo, much to her surprise, has a wealthy if eccentric uncle, who has agreed to take her into his home on Cough Rock Island. Once a tuberculosis sanitarium for children of the rich, the strange house is teeming with ghost stories and secrets. Roo doesn’t believe in ghosts or fairy stories, but what are those eerie noises she keeps hearing? And who is that strange wild boy who lives on the river?
People are lying to her, and Roo becomes determined to find the truth.
Despite the best efforts of her uncle’s assistants, Roo discovers the house’s hidden room—a garden with a tragic secret.
Inspired by The Secret Garden, this tale full of unusual characters and mysterious secrets is a story that only Ellen Potter could write.

As I mentioned last week, I got a surprise book of goodies from the ever-awesome Ksenia, and this was one of them.  It doesn't come out until February, and though I may save my review for closer to then, I doubt I'll be able to wait anywhere near that long to read it.  I mean, I have Potter's other book, The Kneebone Boy, on my reading pile too, and intended to read it soon, but this may actually take precedence.  Why?  The Secret Effing Garden, that's why.  And a character named Roo.  Already this is made of win.  
Anyone else super excited about this?

What's lurking in your tbr pile?
Leave us a comment or a link below!


  1. I think that sounds really good!

    Here's mine! http://amandalynsbooks.blogspot.com/2011/08/tbr-tuesday-bad-girls-dont-die.html

  2. Great book. The cover looks so magical!

    Tia @ Falling For Books

  3. hmmm.... I think you should loan this to me. YEP. *nods*


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