Thursday, October 27, 2011

Book Chat: All Hallows Read

This week's Book Chat is the final one for Helluva Halloween.  It takes its inspiration from Neil Gaiman's All Hallows Read, which is a neat little initiative to give people scary books around Halloween (in addition to candy, not in place of; Neil was very clear on that...)
Anywho, this week we're talking about what 1 scary, creepy or supernatural book we would like to give to people on Halloween.

NEXT WEEK: Online booksellers vs. brick-and-mortar booksellers

We'd love to know your thoughts!
Link up your blog or vlog Book Chat below!

Click here to be taken to the Helluva Halloween Main Page!


  1. Awesome pick :)

    GReat video.

    PS Did you cut your hair or is it pulled back?

  2. The scary book that I would give to a stranger is Stephen King's "Misery". I know that a lot of people saw the movie, but it doesn't compare to the book. This is the only book I've ever read that actually made me jump.

  3. Since we're talking Neil Gaiman how about The Graveyard Book... which I thought was AWESOME.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.