Saturday, October 22, 2011

In My Mailbox + The Story...

Make sure to leave a link to your IMM in the comments, so I can see what goodies you got!  And if you've read any of my goodies, let me know what you thought of them. :)
And as always, In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The Story Siren.

New to my shelves this week:
Tempest by Julie Cross
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
(which was from LIZ!)

Click here to be taken to the Helluva Halloween Main Page!


  1. Oh my goodness! I'm glad your accident wasn't more serious, but I hope you recover soon! Just one question, does the parked car look worse?

  2. Oh no! Very sorry to hear about the parked car incident - I hope there isn't any nerve damage and you recover soon! :)

  3. I hope you enjoy both of your books this week. I really need to read both of them! Also sorry about your arm i hope it get's better soon! =) Check out my IMM!!

  4. Oh gosh, I'm glad you're alright, that is the craziest story!

    I've heard good things about Tempest but haven't read it yet (but got it on NetGalley this week, yay!) and I haven't read my copy of Lola yet, but have heard good stuff, obviously!

  5. That is story to tell for life. Hit by a parked car? If anybody would of asked if that were possible I would of said no. Hope there is no permanent damage and you're back to normal soon :-)

  6. Loved Lola =D and cannot wait for Tempest!!

  7. Hope you end up okay, that's pretty weird/crazy. Those books both sound great, especially Lola. Happy Reading!

  8. Yay for free books!

    I love that Tempest cover too.

    OMG wild story! Thanks for sharing the tale. Hope you're ok and heal soon.

  9. OH no! I hope you feel better soon.

    I hope you enjoy Lola. :)

  10. I looove when there's a week when books weren't purchased! Sadly, that was not this week. I just requested TEMPEST from NetGalley. I finally read LOLA, which I didn't love as much as ANNA, but still enjoyed. I hope your insurance will cover what happened despite being parked! Are you right handed, at least? That will put a dent in your event :(

  11. I hope you enjoy both of your books this week. I really need to read both of them! Also sorry about your arm i hope it get's better soon! =) Check out my IMM!!

  12. Hi Misty!

    I hope your arm gets better soon, and that there isn't any lasting damage!

    Tempest does sound interesting, but I feel like I've seen/heard a lot about it already with people receiving it for review - I had no idea it didn't come out until January! I hope there will still be things to read about it then, instead of just all of this now.
    How exciting to just randomly get Lola like that! I hope you enjoy it - I still haven't read anything by Stephanie Perkins, but I"m sure I'll get to it eventually.

    Here's my IMM: The Book Bundle


  13. Oh my! Glad you're okay. I agree with you completely on Tempest. Fingers crossed that it's as epic as it sounds. Enjoy! Looking forward to your review. :)

  14. Ooh I got Lola this week as well I'm really excited to read it!

    Xpresso Reads

  15. Hugs, Misty! I hope no nerve damage and you heal up nicely! I love both those covers. I hope they're worth the reads!

  16. wow...that is certainly a story! Hope there's no extensive damage to your arm!

    PS great books...I just got Lola and can't wait to read it!

    My In My Mailbox

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa's Eclectic Bookshelf

  17. Great set! So sorry about your arm! At least you got Lola.
    My IMM


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