Friday, October 28, 2011

Interview: Trinity Faegen, author of The Mephisto Covenant

You guys!  Helluva Halloween is almost over already!  Can you believe it?  We may be getting close to the end of the month, but I'm not done bringing the awesome.  On the docket for today: Trinity Faegen, author of The Mephisto Covenant.
Make sure you give her some love in the comments!

Welcome, Trinity!  Tell us a bit about your road to publication; also, what's been the most surprising thing so far, or the most exciting?

I was published in adult fiction in the mid-2000s with a series of comedic mysteries about a forensic accountant who finds the bad guys by following the money. The most exciting moment so far was winning RWA’s RITA award for Best First Book. They have a huge awards show, and I remember when they called my name to come up and accept the award, I had a delayed reaction. The woman sitting behind me tapped my shoulder and said, “Isn’t that you?” My picture and the book cover were up on the Jumbotron, and I sat there in complete la-la land, too blown away to believe it. An extremely close second most exciting moment was selling Mephisto. Writers talk about the book of their heart, and the Mephisto are that for me. I love these books, and the Mephisto brothers.

Where did the idea for the story come from? Do you work from a main character and build out to the story, or start with the world and idea, and then find the character who lives it?

Every project is different, but for Mephisto, I began with the world and the characters grew from there.

What is your favorite scene to have written (so far)?

I wanted the Mephisto brothers to be something of a paradox: Worldly, rough, dark and somewhat hedonistic, but also extremely naïve when it comes to girls. Because they’re unable to be with an ordinary human girl long enough to know much about her, they’re even more clueless about females than ordinary guys. The scene where Jax takes Sasha shopping for new clothes after hers were destroyed was one of my favorites. A rather long portion was cut in edits, but the scene was intense to write, very poignant.

If you could introduce one of your characters to any character from another book, who would it be and why?

I’d introduce Jax to Boo Radley from To Kill A Mockingbird. Boo is a gentle, loving soul who does the right thing, not for glory, but for love. He’s pure and innocent. Granted, it’s because he’s simple-minded, but he’s human, and Jax could see that not all of humanity is dark.

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Do you see any drawbacks to that power?

I’d have the ability to heal, which would be a blessing and a curse, I suppose, because death is necessary to sustain the Earth. How would I decide who to heal and who to let go?

Book-in-a-tweet: Give us your book in 140 characters or less.
A descendant of the daughter of Eve falls in love with a son of a dark angel, then discovers she alone can save him from Hell.

5 Song Playlist (for the book or a particular character, your choice):
I build playlists for every book I write. These are from the one I made for Ajax’s book.

1. Show Me What I’m Looking For – Carolina Liar
2. Bring Me To Life - Evanescence
3. Not Strong Enough - Apocalyptica
4. A Day In The Life - Beatles
5. Out In The Cold – Tom Petty

Thanks so much for stopping by, Trinity!
Have you guys read The Mephisto Covenant yet?  Want to?  Make sure you stop by tomorrow for a chance to win a signed copy!!

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  1. This sounds great! And I'm always inspired when writers can jump over from other genres, as I write for more than one genre.

  2. That's sweet you would pick healing as a superpower. Most people would pick something that benefits them.


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