Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wishlist Wednesday: By These Ten Bones

By These Ten Bones by Clare B. Dunkle
Fantasy/Paranormal, 229 pages
February 15th 2011 by Square Fish

There’s hidden places all over this land-old, old places. Places with a chain for them to chain up the wolf when it’s time.

A mysterious young man has come to a small Highland town. His talent for wood carving soon wins the admiration of the weaver’s daughter, Maddie. Fascinated by the silent carver, she sets out to gain his trust, only to find herself drawn into a terrifying secret that threatens everything she loves.

There is an evil presence in the carver’s life that cannot be controlled, and Maddie watches her town fall under a shadow. One by one, people begin to die. Caught in the middle, Maddie must decide what matters most to her-and what price she is willing to pay to keep it.

Okay, I know it's wrong to judge a book by its cover, but what about the cover AND the title?  Because without even knowing what this was about, I knew it was one I would be picking up some day.  L-O-V-E this cover and the title is just perfect.  Add to that the fact that I like Clare B Dunkle's writing, and dingdingding we have a winner.  Wishlister for sure.
Any of you read this, or adding it to your wishlist?

What's on your wishlist this week?

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  1. I love the cover as well. The background, her hair and the details on her dress. The story sounds unique, but is it just me or are the number of pages a lot lower than usual.

    My WOW

  2. That is a pretty fantastic cover. I still want to read House of Dead Maids -- a Wuthering Heights story. Right up my alley.

  3. OMG, going to get this one!! :)


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