Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Face Off: Slept Away v. Salvaged

The following two covers are not identical by any means, but I can't see one without thinking of the other.
As for which I like more, I'm really not sure.  So I leave to you: without knowing what they are about, which would you reach for on shelves, if either?
Which one did it better?

Last Week on FFO: Breathless and Breathless went head to head, with Breathless pulling out a win...Um...wait.
Y'all liked the girl.
Winnah --->


  1. Slept Away. The marshmallows make the difference.

  2. Salvaged! (Although I might be biased since it is set in OK and I know the author...)

    But really. The marshmallows/graham crackers kinda gross me out. Is someone really supposed to eat that crap off of the ground? Ew.

  3. Both are bad. I don't want to see toes on a cover. One that's better? Slept Away, I seriously don't want a close up of those toes on Salvaged.

  4. Salvaged
    ''but really. The marshmallows/graham crackers kinda gross me out. Is someone really supposed to eat that crap off of the ground? Ew'' ikr

  5. Salvaged, without a doubt. I love the font, the nail polish color, the hue of the grass. :D

  6. Feet kinda ick me out so, honestly, I wouldn't pick either. But if I had to it would be Slept Away, for the same reason as Nina; no close-ups please.

  7. Feet are kind of gross. Even if the feet in question are nicely manicured. Pedicured? that being said, I'm gonna have to go with Slept Away. At least there are delicious s'more makings to look at!

    - Jackie

  8. Not a fan of either. I don't like feet. However, of the 2 I would choose Salvaged. The other is too cluttered. And why does it look like she's sticking her feet into an evergreen? That mustn't be too comfortable.

  9. I like the simplicity of Salvaged. I don't like how the dirt is showing in the other one... Makes it look... dirty for lack of a better term.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.