Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Face Off: Ruby Red vs. Sapphire Blue

I came across this Face Off idea a couple weeks ago when I was putting together my TBR Tuesday for Ruby Red.  It worries me to note that a lot of the covers we've been having on FFO lately are books who's cover style has changed mid-series - and today is no different.  Here we have the cover for book 1, Ruby Red, and the as-yet-unreleased book 2, Sapphire Blue, of Kerstin Gier's worldwide best-selling series.  Now, this series - having been translated into a bajillion languages - has a lot of really cool covers under its belt (and I think next week we'll face-off a few of them), but the 2 below are for the US, and are...different.  And I don't know why, maybe there's some arc significance, but the first book was so effing pretty, and unique!, that I don't know why they'd want to change the design to something that is (yes, very pretty, but) more pedestrian.  I cringe saying that, because it is a very beautiful cover. But there's no denying that it's also a pretty common one, nowadays.
So what do you guys think?  Are you more drawn to Ruby or Sapphire? Do you see Sapphire as a progression of the cover story in some way, or is it too different?  And of course,
Which one did it better?

Last Week on FFO: Robin Wasserman's upcoming The Book of Blood and Shadow went US cover to UK cover, with the UK cover executing a clean sweep.
Winnah ---->


  1. Sapphire Blue for me! Gorgeous cover!

  2. Ruby Red! I love the fairy tale feel to it!

  3. Blue! It's sooooo cool. I love the swirling fabric and all that's going on behind her.

  4. Ruby Red for sure! I own a copy and it is amazing IRL. So beautiful and unique.

  5. I'm going to cast a vote towards Sapphire Blue because it looks exciting. There's so much movement and I like the intrigue of the background. However, I wouldn't even think that the two were in the same series. That being said, Ruby Red's cover really does nothing for me.

  6. Oh...both covers are beautiful!! Blue is my favorite color, so naturally Sapphire Blue catches my eye, but the red in Ruby Red is so vibrant... So I'm going to surprise everyone (including myself) by saying - Ruby Red.

  7. I vote for Sapphire Blue ! So beautiful !
    I read those two books in french, I'm so excited for the third and last book in the trilogie ! The french covers are gorgeous too :)

  8. I like both covers, but I would pick up Sapphire Blue inmediatley when I saw it at the bookstore. :) So SB wins for me!

  9. Sapphire Blue looks like every other cover currently out there in the YA market. The only difference is there's more than one word in the title. I would pickup (and buy) Ruby Red in a heartbeat. The scrolling design is unique and sets it apart.

  10. Ruby Red is simple and gorgeous. I do like Sapphire Blue more because it has so much more detail and you get a better sense of the character. The text is a little boring though. :)

  11. My vote goes to Ruby Red! I mean, there is the fact that I really don't care much for the color blue, and red happens to be one of my favorite colors. But, I'm also a big fan of all the fancy swirls and flowers on the cover of Ruby Red. It's pretty! Sapphire Blue isn't unattractive. It just leaves me shrugging my shoulders and saying "...meh"

    - Jackie

  12. I can't believe they changed the cover style and that so many people like the blue one better! I definitely think Ruby Red is much prettier.

  13. While I do love the gorgeous blue dress on Sapphire Blue, overall it's got to be Ruby Red. It's just got a more timeless, elegant feel.

  14. Ruby Red! I love the detail on that cover. The Sapphire Blue cover is just so trendy and typical, another girl-in-a-ballgown cover. There are a million versions of that same cover on YA shelves.

  15. I know that Ruby Red is a more original cover and I should prefer it, but...

    Sapphire is my birthstone, I love the color blue, and ZOMG dresses.

    Also, this is the best meme ever. Pardon me while I read and comment on ALL of them.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.