Sunday, April 15, 2012

Create-a-Cover Challenge

I thought it would be fun to kick off this year's festivities with a cover game.  The challenge is to create a book cover (or a movie poster, if you're so inclined) for a fairy tale of your choice.  You're welcome to create multiple covers or do multiple tales.  You can be traditional or modern, whatever inspires you - you can even do a mash-up!

As an example (and because I love doing these, and can't get enough of this set - you know, the one where I got the button?), here's my Little Red Riding Hood cover:

This challenge will run the entire length of FTF; when you're done with your cover, just come back here and post a link to it.
Use any image that strikes your fancy, for any tale you choose - just make sure that if you use any images that you don't own rights to, that you credit them in your post!

If there are enough entries, at the end of FTF I will gather them all and we will vote on a winner, and THERE WILL BE A MYSTERY PRIZE.  =D
Have fun and get creative!!

Click the button to be taken to the
Fairy Tale Fortnight Main Page & Schedule
(button image via)


  1. Firstly, awesome challenge! Secondly, that model looks so much like carey mulligan it's freaking me out a bit lol

  2. Oh man, she totally does! It was driving me nuts that I couldn't place who she reminded me of, but you nailed it.

  3. This sounds amazing!! Definitely entering :D do we have to use the images in the photoset you link to or use whatever we want?

  4. Any photo for any tale - just make sure if it's not an image you own, you give credit. :)

  5. Ooooo fun fun. I can't wait to see what folks submit.

  6. This was so fun! Already with the FTF awesomeness :D I can't wait to see what everyone else creates.

  7. Hi! I've made three covers for this contest but I'm torn over which one to choose =P if anyone would like to help me, please see my blog post about it and vote on the poll. It would really help xD

  8. Sorry to be a noob (a friend sent me here) but what's FTF and how long does it last? Lol

  9. FTF = Fairy Tale Fortnight. It lasts from April 15th-30th (should technically only be 14 days, be we did a couple extra this year), and this post tells you all about it:


  10. how many are we allowed to enter ?

  11. cool, thanks. Do we enter them one by one ? or all in one link?

  12. Whichever works best for you, Ana. I'm flexible. :)

  13. Really great idea! I've been working on practice covers for my portfolio and chose to use fairytales! Kinda cool I can get more use out of them.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Thanks for this opportunity Misty... I really enjoyed this & looking through the other covers.


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