Tuesday, April 24, 2012

CLOSED Giveaway: The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Making

The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Making by Catherynne M. Valente
247 pages
Published May 10th 2011 by Feiwel & Friends
Twelve-year-old September lives in Omaha, and used to have an ordinary life, until her father went to war and her mother went to work. One day, September is met at her kitchen window by a Green Wind (taking the form of a gentleman in a green jacket), who invites her on an adventure, implying that her help is needed in Fairyland. The new Marquess is unpredictable and fickle, and also not much older than September. Only September can retrieve a talisman the Marquess wants from the enchanted woods, and if she doesn’t . . . then the Marquess will make life impossible for the inhabitants of Fairyland. September is already making new friends, including a book-loving Wyvern and a mysterious boy named Saturday.

With exquisite illustrations by acclaimed artist Ana Juan, Fairyland lives up to the sensation it created when the author first posted it online. For readers of all ages who love the charm of Alice in Wonderland and the soul of The Golden Compass, here is a reading experience unto itself: unforgettable, and so very beautiful.

Thanks the ever-awesome people at Macmillan, I have a paperback of The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Making to give away to one lucky winner!
To enter* leave a comment with why you want to read the book.
Because this is a book of fantastic nonsense  +5 bonus entries for leaving a description of yourself as a character in September's world.  (If you want to get a feel for the world or style, check out this short story by Catherynne, set in Fairyland)
US/CAN only
Ends May 5th

Don't forget to stop by my review of The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Making and see what I thought!

*To enter this giveaway, you have to be registered on the Fairy Tale Fortnight giveaway form.  Please make sure you have registered, and please do not leave any personal info (like your email) in the comments.  Thanks, and good luck!

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Fairy Tale Fortnight Main Page & Schedule
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  1. Thanks for the giveaway! I've heard so many great things about this book, and it looks really interesting and cool.

    I would be some wacky book-loving character - maybe wear a gown made of pages? I'd be the weird royal librarian who seems slightly insane but is always helpful.

  2. It's been on my list of books I want to read and I've heard about how awesome it is.

  3. I've been wanting to read this book for months!!! Another that caught my eye a long time ago, I just haven't had a chance yet.

  4. It looks really cute! I'm fascinated by MG fairytales and would love to give this one a try.
    Thanks for the giveaway! :D

  5. This story sounds so cute! Id love to read it! Thanks for sharing! ;)

  6. Oh my oh my-what a way to become hooked into a terribly wondrous world...I need to read more! hehe I fell in love with Catherynne M. Valente's work after reading her Orphan's Tales books...then I read the Labyrinth-talk about a mind blowing trip! Her word weaving creates rich worlds that fold in on themselves before being torn apart-to only begin again.

    I should like to be a Witch of Wet Magic. My specialty would be creating delectable drinks of mead of all sorts and kinds. Like Honeysuckle whine, Honeyberry longing, Honeysweet cherryburst. :) Of course I would need to consult with the bee nymphs first to observe protocol and politeness before embarking on said venture.

  7. First, I fell in love with the cover a short time ago and now after reading that short story - I really want to read this book.

    +5 - Chrystal was a melancholy young lady with her head in the clouds most days. She spent most mornings struggling to push away the mist from her candy land dreams and snuggling with her two sassy cats. Her days were filled with numbers floating through her mind like butterflies on a warm summer breeze. Her favourite things to do during the waking hours were skipping on her way to work, singing silly little rhymes to herself that no one else could understand and eating anything coloured red.

    Thanks for the chance to win a copy. :) Muchly appreciated!

  8. I've been dying to read this book for so long! I've really been on an MG kick lately and I've heard absolutely amazing things about it too :] Plus the cover is gorgeous.

    I would be a small little fairy who spent her days flitting about in the sun and marveling at the flowers and trees and such. If given the chance I'd probably read fairy-sized books as well ;]

  9. Well, I'd like to read the book because for one, which should be obvious, I LOVE fairy tales. The other being because of all the fabulous reviews I've seen of this book!

    My character, I think I'd be a lot like Mallow but my name would be Sunflower. I'd live in a yellow house with lots of dogs for company near the ocean. It would be very open so no one could sneak up on me. I would have very powerful magic. My dogs would live forever. I live very much alone and read lots of books. I keep the history of fairies, but it's a secret and I keep the books locked away in a secret bookshelf behind the regular shelves. I eat only sweets and never get fat. I have friends, but I visit them, they don't come to my house. I color my hair different colors whenever I want and I always wear black and white striped tights when it's cold and very often colored tutu's with sparkles on it. I also own a unicorn that sleeps on the floor next to me. He's very protective of me.


  10. I have tried and tried and tried to get this book from the library and then finally gave up and decided I would buy it and low and behold they did not carry it. So I asked for a copy to be ordered and when I came back they had sold it! Talk about rotten luck! So here goes one more try!

  11. I'd love to read The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of her Own Making. Even the title piques my interest. Everything about the book sounds so different from everything that's already out there, and I've head great things about it.

  12. The title is ridiculous. but it sounds awesome.

  13. Look at that cover. And that title. Who WOULDN'T want to read it?! :)

  14. I've been wanting to read this book ever since I first read about it. The title alone made me want to read the book! I just think it will be a magical and whimsical adventure, and I need adventures like that these days.

    +5: I'd want to be a tea fairy, and I'd wear a fairy dress made out of fresh tea leaves. I'd flit around to find people who were settling down to read a good book while sipping a cup of tea. I'd make sure their tea was perfectly steeped and not too hot. I don't want anyone to burn their tongues!

    - Jackie G. @ Books & Tea

  15. I want to read it bc this must be one of the best titles ever and fairy tales are the bomb diggity. A good question is why wouldn't we want to read it.

  16. I want to read this book because it's been popping up in my google reader (full of book blogs) for some time! Everyone seems to like it.

    +5: Okay just reading that little story makes me want to be a talking bed. I think it would be so cool! I would be a beautiful four poster with a lacy canopy and when my owner came home at night i'd cushion her head with my fluffy pillows and listen to all her troubles. I'd read over her shoulder when she wrote in her journal and I'd make myself up the next morning if she had to rush out the door. :D

  17. I'm not sure what it is but there is something special about the cover of this book that makes me want to read it. I actually checked it out from the library but didn't get a chance to read it before the due date.

  18. I'm not sure what it is but there is something special about the cover of this book that makes me want to read it. I actually checked it out from the library but didn't get a chance to read it before the due date.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.