Saturday, April 28, 2012

CLOSED Giveaway: The Lure of Shapinsay

The Lure of Shapinsay by Krista Hollle
260 pages
Published December 16th 2011
Ever since Kait Swanney could remember, the old crones of the village have been warning her to stay away from the selkies. They claim that like sirens of old, the seal men creep from the inky waters, shed their skins, and entice women to their deaths beneath the North Sea. But avoiding an encounter becomes impossible when Kait is spotted at the water’s edge, moments after the murder of a half-selkie infant.

Unexpectedly, Kait is awoken by a beautiful, selkie man seeking revenge. After she declares her innocence, the intruder darts into the night, but not before inadvertently bewitching her with an overpowering lure.

Kait obsesses over a reunion deep beneath the bay and risks her own life to be reunited with her selkie. But when she lands the dangerous lover, the chaos that follows leaves Kait little time to wonder—is it love setting her on fire or has she simply been lured?

Thanks to author Krista Holle, I have a The Lure of Shapinsay prize pack to give away to 1 lucky winner!

1 winner will receive a copy of the ebook, as well as a The Lure of Shapinsay t-shirt, bookmark and bookplate!
To enter* leave a comment with why you'd like to read the book, OR which type of fairy tale/folkloric/mythological creature you'd most like to meet.
+1 for spreading the word or adding the book on Goodreads
US only
Ends May 5th

Make sure to check out our excerpt of The Lure of Shapinsay + the book trailer right here!

**To enter this giveaway, you have to be registered on the Fairy Tale Fortnight giveaway form.  Please make sure you have registered, and please do not leave any personal info (like your email) in the comments.  Thanks, and good luck!

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Fairy Tale Fortnight Main Page & Schedule
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  1. Oooh I love Selkie stuff! This one sounds fascinating.

    It seems the more I study mythology and folklore, the less there are examples of purely benevolent creatures. Which makes one hesitant to wish to meet any of them. However, I'll go with the deep wish of my little-girl-heart and say the unicorn, fairest of beasts.

  2. I Will one day meet a unicorn. One day!

  3. Selkies are my favorite supernatural being, I'd love to read this story, thanks!

  4. What! Gender-reserval selkie myth? Sign me up. And the mythologicial creature I'd like to meet would be a ... mermaid. =)

  5. I really want to read this book. It sounds very good. Please enter me in contest.

  6. Ah!! My answer to both of these questions is one and the same: Selchies. I LOVE selchies. I am completely fascinated by them, and they may be my favorite folkloric being of all time. I feel like this has been the year of the mermaid, and I've been chomping at the bit for more selchies, because I personally find them so much more intriguing. Pumped about this!

  7. Selchies are so cool! Love them! Id be happy though to meet any fairies. There my favorite mythical creature. There so pretty! Thank you! Your book sounds awesome! Thanks for sharing it!

  8. I would really like to meet a mermaid!

    I marked it to-read on Goodreads:

  9. This sounds like an excellent book. Love the selkies.

  10. This book sounds awesome!!! I haven't read any books with sirens yet and it sounds very intriguing and I always love a swoon worthy male character in a book :)!!!

  11. Inwould love to meet a mermaid! To know the details if there life. This book looks amazing.

  12. I've already said selkies are my favorite, and I guess one would be who I'd most like to meet.

  13. A mermaid! The book sounds amazing! I love mermaids so to meet one would be a dream come true!

  14. The Lochness "Monster". I guess bc i feel its the most misunderstood to me :-/

  15. I would like to read this book and add it to my collection of selkie stories. I am so drawn to the sea and the mythical and not-so-mythical
    creatures within.

  16. I am fangirling over this ... Selkie stories are seriously one of the best!

    I want to say that I would love to meet a dragon but they don't have best reputation in being friendly XD so I have to say that I would defiantly love to meet a unicorn ... because they are so pretty and magical and .. a unicorn XD

  17. I am fangirling over this ... Selkie stories are seriously one of the best!

    I want to say that I would love to meet a dragon but they don't have best reputation in being friendly XD so I have to say that I would defiantly love to meet a unicorn ... because they are so pretty and magical and .. a unicorn XD

  18. I would also love to meet a unicorn. Apparently this is unoriginal!


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