Monday, April 16, 2012

CLOSED Giveaway: Magic Under Stone

Magic Under Stone by Jaclyn Dolamore
Fantasy, 291 pages
February 28th 2012 by Bloomsbury USA
For star-crossed lovers Nimira and Erris, there can be no happily ever after until Erris is freed from the clockwork form in which his soul is trapped. And so they go in search of the sorcerer Ordorio Valdana, hoping he will know how to grant Erris real life again. When they learn that Valdana has mysteriously vanished, it's not long before Nimira decides to take matters into her own hands—and begins to study the sorcerer's spell books in secret. Yet even as she begins to understand the power and limitations of sorcery, it becomes clear that freeing Erris will bring danger—if not out-and-out war—as factions within the faerie world are prepared to stop at nothing to prevent him from regaining the throne.

I have one copy of Magic Under Stone to give to one lucky winner.
Please note this is a sequel!
US only, please!
Ends May 5th
To enter, leave a comment answering this question: If a genie granted you 1 completely frivolous wish, what would it be?
+1 for spreading the word (leave links)

**To enter this giveaway, you have to be registered on the Fairy Tale Fortnight giveaway form.  Please make sure you have registered, and please do not leave any personal info (like your email) in the comments.  Thanks, and good luck!

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  1. Hmm frivolous well I would say a kitten, but I get too attached to my pets and melt down in a freak out when they die or panic when when they cough.
    So I'm going to say free books for the rest of my life.

  2. That's a tough one! I like Moirae's answer of free books, but I think I'd choose to live in a giant castle, just like in Beauty and the Beast (which comes fully equip with enough books to last a lifetime!)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Hmmm...completely frivolous? That's actually harder than I thought it would be!

    Hmmm...okay, I think I'd wish for a bank account that magically replenishes itself no matter how much I spent. I would go nuts on books and movies for sure. Also I would buy a lovely home and have it professionally decorated. And I would go to Paris every other weekend.

    Now I really need to meet a genie.

  4. I think Ems summed it up perfectly.

  5. Hmmm that's difficult. I do like the thought of free books but I would probably wish for a perfect reading getaway. It tends to be difficult to find good places that I can read with little to no distractions. Frivolous in the fact that other than reading it would be completely useless haha

  6. I would wish to be transported to a deserted island for 24 hours where I would sit under a palm tree, listen to the ocean and read uninterrupted. After 24 hours later I return to life, kids etc.

  7. I know! A never ending closet of amazing shoes, that are all my size and all my taste, and magically always end up back in their place in the closet when I kick them off around the house! (Wow, that is girly...)

  8. If a genie could grant me one wish I would have to choose to have acess to any book in the world! I'm that much of a bookworm lol! Thanks for the giveaway.

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  9. My own book stores with lots and lots of books.

  10. I have to go with unlimited money for life. I mean, I don't need to be rich, but it would sure be nice not to have to work! I'm like the guy from Office Space...if I had the money, I would do absolutely nothing. And by nothing I mean read constantly. It would be wonderful to be able to get all the books I wanted, and not have to find down time to read them!

  11. I think it would have to be that whenever I wanted chocolate a piece of dark chocolate would appear :)

  12. Frivolously speaking, I'd like to be able to fly. Maybe that sounds too practical so I wouldn't be able to use it for any ordinary purpose, just for fun.

  13. I tweeted for an extra entry as well:!/carlrscott/status/192103552175443968

  14. One wish? To live out all of my dreams, no matter how small they are.

  15. I'd ask for the ability to teleport. No more dealing with buses and I could see my dog whenever I wanted. WIN.

  16. I would ask for perfect eyesight! It must be really nice to wake up and be able to see!

    I spread the word on our Facebook page

  17. My completely frivolous wish would be for a fresh-baked cookie and a glass of cold milk to appear every night as I was doing my before-bedtime reading.

  18. My frivolous wish would be a brand new kitchen.

  19. One completely frivolous wish? This is probably the stressed out college student in me...but I'd probably wish for a year off with no school, no job, and no bills to pay. Think I could squeeze that all in one wish? lol.

  20. My frivolous wish would be an unlimited supply of Pepsi Cola.

  21. I totally hate to be one of "those" but I'd ask for unlimited money. Then I could pay of my student loans (how boring), volunteer part time and spend the rest of my time READING!! Ahh, dream life <3

  22. I think I would wish to be able to read minds! Thanks for the giveaway

  23. One frivolous wish? That a Hickory Farms maple & brown sugar turkey stick would appear whenever and wherever I wanted one.

  24. If i could have one frivolous wish, id want to live in a castle with my family in scotland and the castle will have a huge library, that has all the books i want! ;D Thanks!
    I tweeted:!/LuvToRead09/status/193082402992697344

  25. Oh man, I want to be selfish and ask for something for myself like the body of a supermodel. But I suppose I should ask for my whole family, frivolous, A huge apartment with a view of the Cote d'Azure and of course the money to live the lifestyle there. Yeah, that would make everyone happy. I'll get a personal trainer!


  26. I would wish for a new home that was large enough that I could have a library and plenty of room for the kids to play!

  27. It might not be completely frivolour but if I could have a wish any wish in the whole world it would be to have my son back. To have him be with me and his family the way things were ment to be.

  28. If I could have one wish it would be for my children to have a happy, fulling life!!!

  29. I think if I had one completely frivolous wish, I would wish to be completely taken care of, i.e. whatever I needed at the moment, forever. That would be so cool!

  30. I would take one Corgi. Haven't been able to have a pet for years

  31. I would wish to be taller... that would be really awesome lol.

  32. I would wish for an unlimited supply of cheese.

  33. I would prob be selfish and ask for unlimited wishes if not I would give my wish away to my mom bc she deserves to get anything she wants she is the best mom I could ask for!!!!

  34. hmm toughy .. put I would have to wish for a liberary like the one in Beauty and The Beast only it's magical where there is always a new book that appears on my self

  35. Completely frivolous? Any book I want for the rest of my life. But then I'd need more bookshelves!


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.