Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Top 10 Fairy Tale Retellings (for now)

Hey there!  I generally avoid making Top lists because I'm constantly changing my mind or finding new awesome things.  But I'm pretty confident in all of the fairy tales I've chosen.  I love them all, and think that I can get something different out of each of them each time I read them, so here you have it: my Top 10 fairytale retellings.
If you have some tales that you think will knock one of these books off their spot, definitely let me know!  And if you are interested in posting your own Top 10 (or Top however-many), link it up and share it with the FTFers at the Participation Linky!

#10: Wicked: http://amzn.to/HMZcsk
#9: The Book of Lost Things: http://amzn.to/HMZbol
#8: A Curse Dark as Gold: http://amzn.to/J3iSTk
#7: Castle Waiting: http://amzn.to/zyXhFx
#6: Shadows on the Moon: http://amzn.to/xcdajA

#5: Cinder: http://amzn.to/n5L9xI
#4: Breadcrumbs: http://amzn.to/wYvrFp
#3: Wildwood Dancing: http://amzn.to/e0pprq
#2: Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow: http://amzn.to/g1wNnE
and #1: Daughter of the Forest: http://amzn.to/IErvEN

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  1. Wildewood dancing <3 I love Juliet Marilliers writing, so her 'Heart's blood' and 'Seven Waters' are also in my top 10 favorite fairytales :)

  2. I've read about half of these, and they definitely deserve to be on that list! They're pretty darn awesome!
    Wish I could watch the video, but alas, my speakers have disappeared!

  3. I did this for TTT today as well! Though I'm really mad at myself for completely spacing Breadcrumbs! I loved that book. Fantastic list!

  4. Gah! I hate Wicked. People seem to either completely love it or hate everything about it. Kind of interesting that it creates that kind of dichotomy.

    All the others that I'm familiar with I liked, though. :)

    No top fairy tale retellings list of mine would be complete without The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale. So flipping good!

  5. Haven't I told you that you're my mentor and top guide? I've read and loved 7 of your top 10 including the top 5. I'll get to the rest - why stop now. I already have Castle Waiting: The Lucky Road but I thought it would be the first part of the collection. I guess I need The Curse of the Brambly Hedge. Is that the beginning? I can't afford the prices I've seen on the omnibus at this moment and I know in advance that I want to own some of this. Shadows on the Moon is pre-ordered from B&N. I just read The Swan Kingdom by Ms. Marriott. The Book of Lost Things is in a shopping cart at BWB.

    My top 10, if I could do a top list of under 20, would at the very least be very close to yours. A Curse Dark As Gold would be nearer the top. Heart's Blood would be there near the top too. I'm sure that Heart's Blood would be in your top 5 if Ms. Marillier hadn't set the bar so high with you with Daughter of the Forest that even she can't reach it again.

    Breadcrumbs was stunning. An amazing take on growing up, which I saw as the main theme and of which all the things you mentioned were parts/aspects/challenges.

    I'm anxious to see where Margo Lanagan's Tender Morsels ranks on your list. It's pretty harsh and dark if read as just a story but there are a some complex undercurrents running through it. I'll leave that be until you've read it.

  6. Too funny, W. I started with The Lucky Road, too, because that was all my library had and I didn't want to wait for Vol. 1 to get in from another system. I think you can read it fine without having read The Brambly Hedge, and then if/when you DO get Vol 1, you can just reread it and have little extras fall into place. :)

  7. Okay, now I've read the rest of your comment, so:

    Heart's Blood would be in my top 10 if I didn't already have 2 books by Marillier that I love more. And the other books I picked stuck with me more than it did, but I did love it.

    I debated where to put Curse Dark as Gold, and it did feel a little lower on the list than I expected it to end up, but when I stopped to think about it, the other ones just kept passing it. I did love it, though, and I love Bunce's world-creating. (Even more so in StarCrossed)

    I FULLY expect Tender Morsels to take something's stop in the top 10. I will be disappointed if it doesn't because I have very high hopes for it.


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