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Friday, June 1, 2012

Friday Face Off: All These Things I've Done

When I posted recently about the upcoming sequel to Gabrielle Zevin's All These Things I've Done, and showed the new cover style for the series in my book haul that included Because it is My Blood, I was a bit surprised by some people's reactions. I mean, not entirely - I know we all hate to have covers changed mid-series. And I liked the original cover well-enough. But I love the sleek new look for the series, and though I see where people's pet peeves have come in, I thought it was one of the more successful cover redos I've seen (though I will miss the countdown on the chocolate heart version). But since enough people were passionate about it, I thought it'd make a perfect FFO!
So, which would you want on your shelves?
Which one did it better?

Last Week on FFO: The US and UK versions of Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone/The Gathering Dark went head to head, with a lot of you noting the cover flip-flop: the US usually does people covers and the UK, silhouettes and images instead, which was not the case this time around. The US version just barely pulled out a win, mostly because, as some of you noted, the UK version skews younger and more girly.
Winnah ----->


  1. For me there is really no contest. I definitely like the hardback cover because it feels more original. Plus, the second cover feels a little sci-fi (I think it is the coloring and the hard lines of the girl's hair) but I don't think this novel is meant to be sci-fi.

  2. I think I liked the old cover better. I'm often pleased when I don't have to see yet another face on the cover of a YA book.

  3. +JMJ+

    Gosh, I don't like either of them! =S I'll have to think about it some more and come back . . .

  4. I like the chocolate heart much better.

  5. I like the original, though I'll admit I haven't read this series, and because of the original cover I had complete misconceptions about what this series really was. As such, I was incredibly confused when the cover for the sequel released. I think maybe the new covers actually work better for the story? But still, I prefer the chocolate heart.

  6. I loooooooooooove the new cover. Way more likely to get me to read it.

  7. Totally the chocolate heart. I *heart* chocolate - I couldn't live in that world...

  8. Hmm... I don't think I like either of them too much but if I had to choose, it would be the original one. The 2nd one looks too much like every other cover in YA.

  9. I love love love the new cover. Why? Because it looks like the story inside of it. (Or, what I think the story would be like based off the synopsis.)

    The first cover? It looks like it should be a contemporary. 2083? So not contemporary.

  10. Funny, I have the first one but I like the second one better. No big deal though, content is the key.


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.


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