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Saturday, August 18, 2012

CLOSED Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Spies and Prejudice by Talia Vance!

I have an exclusive goodie for you today: the cover reveal of Talia Vance's upcoming Spies and Prejudice! I don't know about you, but ever since Veronia Mars (and really, I guess since Nancy Drew) I've had a soft spot for teenage female detectives (and spies, no matter the age or gender, are just awesome, so...). Add in Pride and Prejudice and a healthy dose of intrigue and I am there.
About the Book:

Spies and Prejudice by Talia Vance
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Expected publication: 2013 by Egmont
At sixteen, Berry Fields knows everything she needs to know about love. It sucks. As an employee for her dad’s private investigation company, she’s seen it firsthand. Men lie, cheat, leave. Even Berry’s dad is love’s victim, having never fully recovered from the death of his wife eight years earlier.

When Tanner Halston transfers to McHenry High, Berry is not impressed. She knows the type - good looking and full of himself. And it doesn’t help that Tanner always seems to catch her at her worst moments. But when Berry’s best friend hits it off with Tanner's brother, it becomes impossible to avoid Tanner.

Spurred by a charming boy who seems to want to help, Berry embarks on her own investigation into her mother’s death. As she gets drawn deeper into a web of lies, she finds herself fighting against everything she thought she knew, about her mother, herself, and her growing attraction to Tanner Halston.

To celebrate the cover reveal of Spies and Prejudice, Talia is giving away an ARC to 1 lucky winner!
  • 1 person will win an ARC of Spies and Prejudice
  • US only
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter below - do not leave your email address in the comments!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Click here to be taken to the Austen in August Main Page! Fab button artwork c/o Antique Fashionista!


  1. oh this sounds fascinating. I'm all about a bit of intrigue and if it's related to P&P in a sense that makes it even better.

  2. Ooh, I'd not heard of this book before, it looks good!

  3. Sounds fun! I was a big fan of Nancy Drew when I was a kid, too! ;) Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Yes, I have not heard of tis before, but it does sound good! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  5. I'm so with you on the Veronica Mars/teenage spies love train!

  6. Talia thanks for the awesome giveaway. I can't wait to read this book. It sounds very good. Tore923@aol.com

  7. Ahhhhh! Genius! Being a HUUUGGGEE Nancy Drew fan and devoted Janeite....kinda psyched about this :D

  8. This is like the perfect combo of mystery and P&P goodness. I added it to my TBR on Goodreads and can't wait to read it.

  9. Sounds FABULOUS!!! I love teen spy novels--they're a weakness of mine. And obviously I love Jane Austen, so this could be a mix of two of my favorite genres EVER.

  10. This book looks wondrous. A mystery? Love them! ♥

  11. I've never read a teen P&P story before, add in a mystery, sounds interesting.

  12. You had me hooked at Pride and Prejudice mixed with Veronica Mars. Sounds awesome!

  13. This sounds amazing!!! I love the Gallagher Girl series and I love pride and prejudice and this sounds like a perfect mix of the 2!!!

  14. My interest is piqued! I like the mix. Thank you for the giveaway!

  15. This sounds awesome! I'll definitely be adding this one to my goodreads account so I remember to check it out. :)

  16. I love P&P retelling and spy books so I'm happy that this one came on my radar!

  17. For some reason it reminds me of pretty little liars. And I know it cant compare with anything Jane Austen

  18. I am intrigued. Can't wait to find out more.

  19. I love all things P&P related so this sounds amazing! Thanks for the chance to win it.

  20. I love all things P&P related so this sounds amazing! Thanks for the chance to win it.

  21. This sounds like a really interesting book, and one that can easily be made into a movie that we can make the guys see. :-) Can’t wait to read this one!

  22. I'm such a sucker for any Austen spinoffs. And this one's YA! *grabby hands*

  23. I just put this book on my wish list a couple of days ago.

  24. This sounds interesting! I can't wait to read it. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

  25. I am so excited about this! It sounds really interesting!

  26. It sounds amazing and the cover is really pretty!
    I'm a huge fan of teenage spy novels. Given the young age of these kinds of spies, it adds to the intensity of the plot. Mix in a little Austen and the plot sounds like it's going to be incredible.
    I can't wait to read it!

  27. sounds like a MUST-READ for me!!
    thanx for the giveaway!!!

  28. Anything built on the premise of Nancy Drew and P&P has got to be good!


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