Thursday, August 16, 2012

CLOSED Erlynn's Top 5 Faves + Giveaway! (and a mega-long list of awesome)

Hello Austen addicts! My name is Erlynn and it is so awesome to be participating in Misty's Austen in Austen on The Book Rat! I am super excited to share with you a reading goal I have been working on for a while now which is... 100 Austen Novels! Currently on number 76, it seems the more Austen adaptations, re-tellings, re-imaginings, perspectives, what-ifs, etc. I read, the even more I crave. In celebration of Austen in August and the completion of my goal in sight, I am doing a giveaway on the top 5 favorites on my list so far! It was very hard to narrow down to just five, but it was really fun going back over all the books on my list, remembering them and comparing/battling them against each other for five top spots. You can enter by filling out the rafflecopter below!

Okay here they are!...

Darcy's Passions by Regina Jeffers! This is one of my favorite, if not the best Darcy perspectives I have read. Darcy's Passions follows Austen's Pride and Prejudice so beautifully I felt like I was re-discovering it again for the first time. All the pieces were fit together so perfectly, as well as the characters being true to form. Georgiana and Colonel Fitzwilliam play a key role in bringing about Darcy and Elizabeth's relationship and the reader gets a priceless inside look at this. I loved how parts of the story once hidden from the reader by Austen, Jeffers takes the liberty of allowing Darcy's thoughts and actions to progress the story. The novel continues through the double wedding and then follows Darcy and Elizabeth back to their home at Pemberley. There was conflict, drama, disaster, humor, love, and a baby... perfect. I enjoyed reading from the first page to the very last. If someone is looking for their first Pride and Prejudice sequel, retelling, or Darcy perspective this is an awesome place to start. There is a sequel to this novel called Darcy's Temptation that is equally awesome.

Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy: The Last Man in the World by Abigail Reynolds! This what-if adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by Reynolds is my favorite of hers, and I love them all! Reynolds takes the characters of P&P and asks the question "What if Darcy compromised Elizabeth's reputation and she was unable to refuse him?" Elizabeth is devastated at the thought of being married to a man she despises, while Darcy is blind to Elizabeth's true adverse feelings. The novel is a series of Elizabeth and Darcy misunderstanding each other and causing each other true pain until they can finally listen and see the true love they have for one another. Out of all her "What If?" novels, this is by far my favorite. It is filled with angst and I love how it tears your heart apart from beginning to end.
[Misty's note: I'll be reviewing this one... =D ]

Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy: Two Shall Become One by Sharon Lathan! This is the first in a sequel series called the Darcy Saga, and it is definitely one of my favorite sequels. The books in the series are hefty and long, with enough pages to really get carried away in the time period, romance, and story. Also, so far there are seven books with more on the way. I always am so sad when a series ends, but this one just keeps going! The book begins with the Darcy wedding and flashbacks even further to the proposal. It chronicles Elizabeth coming home to Pemberley and how she adapts to her new estate. Her adjustment to the servants and finer things is exciting and the romance builds between Elizabeth and Darcy into a lustful, sexy read. Elizabeth builds a stronger relationship with Georgiana and the married women of Derbyshire, but an encounter with an ungentlemanly Marquis leaves Elizabeth injured and Darcy preparing for a duel. The drama and romance is amazingly addicting! She is currently working on her eighth book in the series The Passions of Dr. Darcy.

The Mistress's Black Veil by M.K. Baxley! This variation has one of the craziest and most outlandish premises I have read in the Austen fan-fiction world, and that's why I love it so much! At first read I was almost appalled, but it really has grown on me to be a favorite. If you can let go and get past the Elizabeth selling her virginity to the highest bidder, and Darcy parading his conquest to the Ton premise, then you will really be able to enjoy it. I think I enjoyed it so much probably because I was so driven by shock and curiosity and the almost voyeurism style of writing that was achieved. As Mrs. Bennett always feared, Mr. Bennett dies and Mr. Collins immediately kicks the Bennett girls out of Longbourn. Ironically enough Elizabeth decides to become a courtesan for one season to make a small fortune and secure a future for the family. I know it may sound a little absurd at first, but give it a try it has become one of my favorites.

A Wife for Mr. Darcy by Mary Lydon Simonsen! This is one of many variations by an Austen author who is truly amazing. In A Wife for Mr. Darcy, Darcy apologizes to Elizabeth for his harsh comment at the assembly, but even with that mess behind them and a presence of mutual attraction Darcy is still driven by his duty to his family and the fact that he was already courting another woman. In her stories the plot is always so thick and well developed being the forefront of the story. Her secondary characters, old and new, propel the story forward and her descriptions cause the pages to turn themselves. Picking up anything by this author is pretty much a guarantee to be fantastic, but check out Darcy and Elizabeth: The Language of the Fan, although a short story it is also one of my all time favorites!

Below is the list of the 76 titles I have read so far. I hope you find something new to try! Besides my top five favorites, some honorable mention authors I think you can't go wrong with are: Brenda Webb, Jan Hahn, Kara Louise, P.O. Dixon, Linda Wells, Susan Mason-Milks and Susan Adriani. You can continue to follow my progress on my own blog at My Little Corner of the World and follow me on Twitter at @ierlynn. Happy Reading and Happy Austen in August!

Erlynn's Austen far.
Click to embiggen.

You've read why Erlynn likes 'em - now enter to win 'em for yourself! (and yes, it's international!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Click here to be taken to the Austen in August Main Page! Fab button artwork c/o Antique Fashionista!


  1. I haven't read that many Austen retellings, but these sounds like fun.

  2. Thanks for the recommendations! I've never read an Auste adaptation. I'll definitely check these out :)

  3. Lovely to hear your thoughts on some of you favourites. I've read every book by Sharon Lathan but have never picked up the others.

  4. Thanks for sharing your favorite books. A Wife for Mr. Darcy sounds interesting.

  5. Wow, 100 Austen novels? That's huge.

  6. I had no idea there were so many Austen re-tellings out there. These are all so cool sounding. I must read them! Good luck with the goal.

  7. I love Austen adaptions so this list is great! I was just wondering if this is an international give-away? :)

  8. Congrats on this amazing reading feat! EnJoy having that much time avlbl for reading too! FuN stuff ~ TY for sharing :) both the post info & your giveaway generosity :)
    I read all the variations as well and can't pass any by when I find them in charity/thrift shops so my library is def growing as well!
    Wishing you every cont'd SUCCESS !!

  9. Fantastic list! It would be really hard for me to pick my top five favorites, there are soooo many that I love. I think I should compile a list of all my Austenesque books to see what I have, because I really don't know anymore!

  10. Thanks for sharing your favorites and for the giveaway!

  11. thanks for this lovely giveaway. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  12. I love Austen books and I am so excited to have a whole new list to read!!!! Thanks for doing this fun post!!!

  13. I've barely tipped the iceberg in my Jane Austen fan fiction reading. I have yet to read any of your top picks, but they are definitely on my list to read.

  14. I have a couple on your list already :) a couple, after reading your summaries on them are intriguing I cant wait to add them to my to be read list

  15. Doing cartwheels here in Arizona. A Wife for Mr. Darcy made Erlynn's Top Five list! Whoopee! Thanks so much for the mention.

  16. I have two books in the list but have not read it yet. I know Mary's and Regina's books are fantastic since I've read their other books. So I'm hoping to win either these 2 or The Mistress's Black Veil. Thanks Erlynn for hosting this giveaway.

  17. I was pretty disappointed in the P&P followup novel that I read and that kind of turned me off of them at the time. ALL of these sound better than that one! (Which I cannot even remember the name of.) I'd be willing to give it another go, especially for Darcy's Passions which does sound very good from the description above.

  18. Those looks so exciting!!!! As a librarian I can't get enough of them!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  19. HAHAHA. 'If you can let go and get past the Elizabeth selling her virginity to the highest bidder, and Darcy parading his conquest to the Ton premise, then you will really be able to enjoy it' is one of my favourite quote EVER!

    And jeeez thatis some serious dedication to Jane Austen right there!

  20. Oh my Erlynn, I think you might be a tad over the deep end. I mean, living with this much Austen all the time? Immersing yourself in constant Lizzy and Darcy, day and night? Shelves upon shelves of book all dedicated to Austen? That can't be healthy or natural!

    Wait... That sounds like me! Guess we are in the loony bin together :-)

    Thanks for listing my book in your top 5. I am deeply honored.

    Sincerely, Sharon Lathan

  21. I have read what seems like so many Austen adaptations that I am very surprised to realise that I've not read about two thirds of your list and none at all of your top five!

  22. These are great choices! Well, I have yet to read M.K.Baxley's book but I am intrigued by the premise, definitely! I'm like you, the more Austen fiction I read, the more I want to read. It never gets old. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!

  23. Thanks for the giveaway! I enjoyed learning about some of your favorite Austen retellings! I actually haven't read any Austen retellings, so I'll have to check some out. Good luck with your reading challenge!

  24. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I would love to read this book. It sounds very good.

  25. Interesting list. Of course, there are so many really good adaptations or sequels or re-tellings, that it is difficult to narrow my favorites to just five.

  26. This is a wonderful top 5. I have read 4 of the 5 and had my eye on the other. 4 of the authors are all time favorites of mine! You can't go wrong!!!

  27. FUN LIST!!! now i'm gonna have to print it out & add the books to my TBR/WishList!!!

    thank you for the giveaway!!

    cyn209 at juno dot com

  28. Thanks for including my book in your top 5, Erlynn! I'm thrilled to make the cut, and honored to be in such excellent company. :)

  29. Love the recommendations. They sound all very good. :)

  30. I've added to my reading list thank you. Just fabulous.

  31. I love 4 of the 5 you mentioned. I haven't read M.K. Baxley's latest book but I enjoy her work (from the 1st). Many of the ones you mentioned are also favorites. There's a couple whose work I haven't read yet and am looking forward to doing so.

  32. This is such a great list! I always have trouble adaptations so I will have to start looking into these. thank you so much!

  33. I'm going to be checking the library for these!!

  34. This is awesome.
    tinyauthor at yahoo dot com

  35. Finding all these good books to read is not going to help me get through my “To Read” basket of books. Not that I’m complaining because I enjoy them so much but other non-reading people call it my “gremlin” pile.


  37. Thanks for the list. I've added some of these to my wishlist.

  38. Great list of recommendations! I will certainly check a lot of them. And thank you for wonderful giveaway!

  39. I am a huge fan of Jane Austen but the only Austen adaptation book I have read is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. These books sound really good.
    Thank you for the great giveaway!

  40. thank u so much for great giveaway,Erlynn :)

    big hug 'n' kiss^^

  41. That is a great list of books. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  42. That's a worthy goal..hmmm, wonder how many I've read? Loved your synopsis of why you loved what..thanks!


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