Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Five Reasons I Would Rather Marry Captain Frederick Wentworth Than Fitzwilliam Darcy ~ a guest post from Susan Kaye!

Five Reasons I Would Rather Marry Captain Frederick Wentworth Than Fitzwilliam Darcy
~ from Susan Kaye

Reason Number 5: The Crofts. There’s nothing in the world wrong with Georgiana Darcy. She’s a sweet-natured girl, but she is a girl. Her concerns are dresses, friends, and marriage. I’m past all that. W-A-Y past all that. I like better the idea of sitting around the fire, drinking adult beverages, and exchanging stories about Sophia and the Admiral’s far-flung adventures. And there is also the fun of hearing about Frederick’s misbegotten youth. Family, I think, are much more likely to spill about things like that when there is an equality of members. Having the “Lord of the Manor,” like Darcy can put a crimp in those sorts pf exchanges.

Reason Number 4: The last words of Persuasion are: “…she (Anne) must pay the tax of quick alarm for belonging to that profession which is, if possible, more distinguished in its domestic virtues than in its national importance.” In other words, sailors are known for being handy around the house. Well, handy in some things that happen to be part of the domestic litany. One of those virtues was, I’m sure, sewing. Though he was an officer, when he was of the lower ranks he would not have had the spare cash to hire a steward and so was obliged to do his own mending. Now, I’m sure he’s got a valet to handle the day-to-day concerns of his wardrobe, but it’s nice to know a man can take care of himself in a MacGyver-ish sort of way.

Reason Number 3: Frederick’s skill as a hairdresser. Sailors were also known for having the long braid down their backs. In Wentworth’s time is was a real point of pride. Combing and dressing your buddy’s hair was one of those services you performed for a friend. That made you “tie mates.” And again, though Frederick was an officer, he would have started in the lower ranks, probably as a midshipman. They had tie mates too so braiding, clubbing—wrapping a braid or ponytail with a dark ribbon—would have been a skill he picked up along the way. This being the case, if Anne and Frederick were ever travelling and a lady’s maid was hard to come by, the Captain could step in and whip up a do for Anne with no trouble at all. I love a man who’s clever with his hands!

Reason Number 2: While Darcy may have had the sheriff at his beck-and-call, and be able to drum up a few dozen men to stand for Pemberley in a war, could he load, level and fire a cannon? Frederick could. Sure, Pemberley probably had the turrets, and could be easily defended from marauders, but did Darcy even own the goods? I’m sure he had a collection of pistols and rifles that was impressive, but could he lob an iron ball a couple hundred yards? Men love to stand around and look at the destruction caused by their toys. Cannons leave BIG, DEEP marks. Frederick could do that all by himself.

Reason Number 1: Frederick Wentworth has a job WITH benefits! I know, I know, Darcy had 10 thou a year in income and that’s guessed to be only three percent of the total amount of Darcy Unlimited. But, as we have seen in this present global economy, all you need is a country defaulting on its loans, a few international corporations investing in the wrong markets, a little deflation of a currency or two, and you have a big pile of I. O. U.s, no liquidity, and unfunded pension debt that is going to bankrupt everyone in sight. Frederick Wentworth had a skill, a trade, something that would enable him to rebuild if the unthinkable should happen. In the year ’06, he had some cash after his cruise to the West Indies, “but spending freely, what had come freely, had realized nothing.” The guy learned his monetary lessons the hard way. While this outrĂ© package of talent may not thrill the likes of Caroline Bingley, it makes me lean towards the guy who can land on his feet after a blow to the career. Aside from the romantic challenge of Elizabeth Bennet, I’m not sure what Darcy’s capable of career wise.

So, all in all, I like Wentworth’s skills and proven record in the world of work. Darcy is a lovely accessory to take to a ball or party, but the Captain is the guy I want taking care of my “domestic virtue,” if you know what I mean. ;-)

Susan Kaye
Author of None But You and For You Alone
Blogging at Jane Started It!
Twitter: @susankayewriter
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susan.kaye2

Susan has offered up a copy of the 2007 movie version of Persuasion to one lucky winner!

  • 1 winner will receive a copy of 2007's Persuasion, directed by Adrien Shergold, and starring Sally Hawkins as Anne and Rupert Penry-Jones as Wentworth.
  • US/CAN only (as this is a region 1 disc)
  • Ends September 5th
  • Fill out the Rafflecopter to enter!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Click here to be taken to the Austen in August Main Page! Fab button artwork c/o Antique Fashionista!


  1. Well I have to say I am Team Darcy however even though Willouby is a rougue I like him too lol!

  2. Haha, I'm afraid my loyalties are still with Darcy first and foremost, but you do raise some excellent (and humorous!) points in support of the captain. I never really thought about his domestic side before, but his talents at hairdressing should definitely not be overlooked! ;D

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I love the Crofts! They are my favorite Austen couple, at least among the older generations. I love their devotion to each other and their best friend relationship. The Admiral remarks that he is used to having a woman on his arm (his wife) and, unable to remember a particular young woman's name, questions why can't every woman be named Sophie (his wife's name). Mrs. Croft goes with him on his sea voyages and prevents him from driving their coach off the road. They are a couple that still love each other after the test of time and life and come out as best friends.

  4. "Oooh, yes, the Corfts!!!" My first thought reading your reasons for Wentworth. You are so right. I love Georgiana, and I do think Lizzy and her did get along very well, but I´d love a Sophy Croft as a sister in law.

  5. Much as I love Darcy, at heart I'm a Team Wentworth gal. Love the uniform, love the firearms, love the practical skills he brings to the table.

    As for this witty article, is it any wonder that Susan Kaye and I are friends? Hats off for a clever post, m'dear!

  6. Love this post! Susan makes several valid points, and I agree with her whole-heartedly. Wentworth all the way!

  7. You know that I'm team Darcy, but Captain Wentworth has always run a very close second in my heart. He's a man's man.

  8. Great article. Very persuasive. Not switching teams just yet. I am still team Darcy.

  9. My first love was Darcy, that is until I met Captain Wentworth. Persuasion is my favorite.

  10. You're welcome to Wentworth. I want Henry Tilney! (Although preferably with a different profession, haha)

    I don't think I could handle a husband in the military, so I'd probably go with Darcy. I think I'm spirited enough that I could deal with him. :)

  11. The deal is here, I'm not looking to recruit for Team Wentworth. I'm fine with keeping the Captain all to myself. And I still stand with my lack of Darcy Drive. good looking ride, not sure he can go the distance. And as for the the Tilney love that's cropped up, that falls into the can't see a reason for it category.

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  12. Mr.Darcy is at the present my kind of man though I cannot fairly say so as I have not read Persuasion and know nothing of Wentworth's character. Perhaps he can tempt me away from Darcy though I doubt that.

  13. Hehe, I hadn't considered the hairdressing prowess of Austen's leading men before! It's still Darcy for me, I think Wentworth is too prone to sulking for my liking. He writes the most luscious letters tho!

  14. Susan, you do make some very good points!

    But now you have me imagining Darcy going bankrupt and Pemberley under cannon fire - thanks a lot! Lol (don't worry, Darcy, you're still my #1).

  15. I can't really pick between Darcy and Wentworth. I like them both. Water is not really my element, though. I guess I would feel more at ease in the Pemberley gardens. Or in the Pemberley library!

  16. Aside from drinking and bathing, water is NOT my element, but I figure the reunions would be worth it. ;-)

  17. I have a deep love for the sea. Being married to a captain and living on a ship would be a dream come true. When I read romance novels, I prefer those that take place at sea more than those on land. Therefore, brava with your choice of men! I wholeheartedly agree!

  18. I'm not sure I'd ever really go for a sailor but you do make a persuasive argument!

  19. Interesting arguments. I'm not convinced however haha.

  20. I love Wentworth so I love these arguments!

  21. This had me in stitches! Or was that Wentworth?

  22. Personally, Frederick still has this contest sewn up, no one has mustered any arguments that convince me that Darcy can seal the deal.

  23. FuN read, Susan! thx :)
    do love FW for sure and the strength or maturity of a lifelong love as he so eloquently expressed - probably a huge part of my appreciation {besides his gd looks}!!

  24. See Susan I knew you were a smart woman. :-) Capt Wentworth to me far surpasses Darcy. To me a man who has had to earn his money appreciates it more and has shown he is not afraid to work hard and will not give up. Those are 2 great qualities in a husband.

    I read both your books and LOVED them!!!

  25. I have always preferred Wentworth. So no contest. Darcy is a great guy but high maintenance. smiles. I loved the points you made about Wentworth most of which I had never thought of before (sewing and hairdressing). I think I would need him retired because I'm not doing the living on a ship, or ports of call, or the worry over his safety.

  26. Ive never seen this one before.

  27. I have to say that Wentworth, as a self-made man who doesn't think himself "too good" for things (except transporting ladies, which IS irritating), definitely has a lot going for him. But PEMBERLEY.

  28. I do like both, but like Susan, I'd probably pick Wentworth over Darcy. :)

  29. I love both guys they are both dreamy :)!!!

  30. Why do I have to choose??
    I want the 3 gentlemen...Wentworh, Knightley and Darcy to come court me.....and I will someday choose...but would enjoy the attention for a LONG time before making a decision...

  31. I agree that Wentworth is an excellent man to choose for courtship. He is a strong and relatively self-sufficent kind of guy. Given the fact that I'm a military child, his Naval service gives him additional points in my book. Due to the long amounts of time that sailors spend out at sea, the Navy is one of the hardest branches of the military to join. Since Wentworth was willing to pursue such an emotionally challenging career, it shows that he is not afraid of struggles. I like that quality in men. :)

  32. I vote for Wentworth. I would prefer his letter over Mr. Darcy's. ;)

  33. Persuasion is my favorite Austen novel, so I have always preferred Wentworth over Darcy. I love all of your reasons why! Choosing Wentworth just makes more sense. Thank you for the giveaway.

  34. I'm a Captain Wentworth gal, myself! ;) Very witty post (and right on target lol)

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