Thursday, August 16, 2012

Should Be Watching: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

I'm sure by now you've probably seen the stellar web series, The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. But if you haven't, and if you've been living in a youtube-free cave, (or if you've just been meaning to watch, but haven't yet), allow me to push you in the right direction.

I'm a big fan of Hank Green for many, many reasons, but among them is his love/respect for Pride and Prejudice. (I mean, there's just something sexy about a man who will not only read it, but will admit that he likes loves it.) This modern adaptation of P&P, which Green created and executive produces (with Bernie Su), is just one more reason to find him fanfreakingtastic.

Basically, they are tackling the story as a modern adaptation told through a series of "diary" vlogs from Lizzie, who shares all of the ridiculousness that goes on around her. Cameos by Lydia, Jane, and Charlotte are frequent, and other characters have started making appearances and becoming regulars, too (Bing Lee! Yes, that's Bingley's name, and how flipping clever, right? Also, he's hot. So...just saying. ^_^ ). They tend to be around 4 minutes long, with little extra tidbits on the various characters' tumblr, twitter and facebook accounts.  It's a very accessible series, remaining pretty faithful (I have my questions, but for the most part, they're nailing it) to the core of the story, while making it fun and relatable and realistically modern.

My only concern is the pace. At 2/week, nearly 40 episodes in, we've just now passed the stay at Netherfield and are on to the introduction of Collins. While I may not be opposed to this being a very long, drawn out series, I'm concerned that interest may drop off at some point at the current pace, and if that happens... Well, I'd hate to see the series end or one of the actors walk away after the first proposal but before the second, you know?

So all I can do to keep that from happening is to say: WATCH THIS SHOW!!
To get you started, here are the first 3 episodes - watch, enjoy, have your pants charmed off, and then go subscribe to the channel and enjoy having 5 minutes twice a week of pure Austen happiness. =)

Like what you've seen so far? Watch the rest of the series so far (and as it airs) here!!

Click here to be taken to the Austen in August Main Page! Fab button artwork c/o Antique Fashionista!


  1. Wow! Amazing! I just started watching this and I've never laughed so much! Thank you for letting me know about this!

  2. I didn't know!!!! Super excited to have something fun to do tonight and tomorrow. :) Thanks.

  3. I LOVE this web series too! But I am worried about the pacing too.

  4. These are fantastic! This afternoon I watched all 30-whatever episodes back to back. Thanks for introducing me to this series!

  5. I had started watching the first episodes and then forgot about it. Now I'm going to watch the rest, because Bing Lee's name is pure genius. I hope we don't have to wait many more episodes before we get a glimpse of Darcy.

  6. Misty, you destroyed any semblence of productivity I may have aspired to yesterday. I'm now on episode 24.

  7. I have heard great things about this but haven't watched them yet. Thanks for bringing it to my attention again. I'll start tonight. :)


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