Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Book Chat: Reading Resolutions

Since everyone's thinking about this anyway...

Share your Reading Resolutions for the coming year in the comments, as a video response, and/or as a vlog or blog post on the linky below!

If you have a topic you'd like to see on Book Chat this year, let me know in the comments or tweet it to me @TheBookRat!

And as always, thanks for watching, rating and subbing, and happy reading!


  1. I recently wrote a blogpost about my reading resolutions. But I also just said to myself that I would only do it if I was having fun doing it. for example, I challenged myself to read 100 books this year, and I genuinely think I could achieve that. But on the other hand I don't want to force myself to read if I'm not into it at that time (this rarely ever hapens though). I just don't want to get my back up against the wall by these resolutions :) read my resolutions
    here on my blog

  2. Last year I succeeded at my goal of reading 200 books (actually read 206 but before anyone gets too impressed I counted picture books and graphic novels!) but I did feel like allll my free time was spent reading reading reading. Which isn't a bad thing but I do have other hobbies. :) So this year I've set my goal at a reasonable 150, which was my average before I met my husband. (When we first started dating it dropped to around 100... like I was busy with something new... how odd....)

    Anyway, I'm thinking 150.

    ALSO I found out a couple years ago that Gene Wolfe (a sci-fi/fantasy writer of some note) is my grandfather's first cousin. But I hadn't read anything by him! So my goal for this year is to read a good chunk of his work. What I've read so far is delicious.

    AND I also have the goal to actually finish all the books that friends have given or loaned me, instead of constantly bringing home library books.... (But I will still probably bring home library books... just not as many???)

    Hmmm I hadn't plotted it all out like that before. Guess I have a lot of reading to do! Thanks for asking. :)

  3. I have the same problem with actually reading books that I own, Misty! For the same reason...lately I've been reading a book that I own every other book, and then letting myself read library books/ARCs otherwise. It's helping...slowly, but surely. I'm also consciously taking on fewer ARCs so that I can focus on past books I'd probably enjoy more anyway.

    I think these are all great! I think making broad goals like this leaves you enough room for freedom, vs. saying "I'm going to read these specific books", which we all know won't work.

    Good luck!

  4. Last year I joined the reading resolution half way through and somehow managed to reach my goal. 100 total, with 35 of those being graphic novels. Not bad for mostly six months effort.

    To begin with for 2013, I've planned to read at least 156. At least two novels and one graphic a week. Depending on how it goes I may up my goal to 200. Which at fifteen days into the year, I'm already at fifteen books read- three novels, eleven graphics, and one art book! It's shaping up to be a long Winter of comic reading. Yet when Spring rolls through, I'll be cuddling with those thick 400+ page stories to share with the fresh air and sunlight.

    Some of the more specific goals include:
    - Endure longer series or mass amounts of one author that I can get a hold of. Quick examples: Ursula K Le Guin. Philip K Dick. The Sandman. Batman. Last year I read through all 13 books released of the Dresden Files.
    - As with many people, I need to read what I own! With 109 books currently checked out from the public library (a good 85+ of what I read last year was also from there) I haven't touched any of mine since 2010. The current books that come to mind are His Dark Materials and a few random collections.

    While it sounds as though I may have my whole year of reading planned out, I still check out a few books a week that are spur of the moment reads. Many of the books I do read will end up being up in the air, but it's still fantastic to have a goal in mind... and shelves overflowing with pages. :D

  5. I recently wrote a blog post on my reading resolutions as well, which you can find here: http://wordshipping.blogspot.ca :)


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