Saturday, March 9, 2013

Book Haul: March 9, 2013

So... I recorded this yesterday, and thought, Ok, that's *that* done for awhile - and then I went and bought more books. So at some point in the soonish, there will be another haul coming, but I'm going to wait a bit. O_O

As always, thanks for watching, and let me know what you think of the books in the comments! And if you end up reading one, circle back and let me know what you thought! =D

Gorgeous Jane Austen collector set
Boy Nobody by Alan Zadoff
Professor Gargoyle by Charles Gilman
The Slither Sisters by Charles Gilman
Bone: The Complete Series by Jeff Smith
The Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle by Christopher Healy
Firebrand by Gillian Philip
Ever After by Kim Harrison
Marianne de Pierres Night Creatures swag pack:

Also Mentioned:
The always-awesome Ksenia.
The awesome art of Karen Hallion
The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy


  1. Let us geek out together because we'll both be reading Hero's Guide to Storming the Castle and OH MY GOSH I CAN'T WAIT TO START IT. And duuude, I'm not Jane Austen fan but those are so BEAUTIFUL, like really and truly. Also: Boy Nobody. WHY HAVEN'T I HEARD OF THIS? It sounds insanely AWESOMECAKE. Will do some research on that.

    Enjoy! <33

  2. Awesome books! That Jane Austen set does seem pretty amazing. I haven't actually read any Austen though...Anyways... Great books, can't wait for Fairytale Fortnight. Happy Reading!

  3. That Belle meeting the Doctor card was just made into a Threadless shirt! I'm bummed they picked a pretty ugly color for it though. ><

  4. A lot of her designs get made into shirts! I love them.
    But yeah, I don't think it looks nearly as good on that green as it did when they had it sort of watercolor style:


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.