Tuesday, April 2, 2013

"Armored Hearts" guest post & giveaway ~ from Pauline Creeden

The following guest post and giveaway comes from Pauline Creeden, who wanted to tell us a bit about her upcoming book, Armored Hearts. As well as finding out a little bit about this steampunk fairy book, Pauline is offering up two chances to win copies - AND Fairy Tale Fortnight readers can download the prologue, Winter Fae for free!

"Fairytales are more than true; not only because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."

  • G.K. Chesterton

Dragons can come in many forms, most of them ugly. In life as well as art, we want to know that our own, personal dragon can be overcome. Often it takes wit and cunning, perseverance and determination, but if no one had ever defeated their dragon, how could we defeat ours?

The Steampunk theme is one of ingenuity and courage to step out of the bounds set by tradition—or even history for that matter. It is a strange amalgam of science fiction and historical, turn of the century, charm. What better place to form a dragon and defeat it? Of course I use dragon metaphorically.

Fairytales are stories of great courage, learning, and decision making. They show us a world outside of the one which we think is safe and secure. Only by discovering that our world is more than it seems can we then find the truth of our dragon’s weakness.

Armored Hearts is a Fantasy set in a Steampunk world, which Melissa Turner Lee and I created to house a Fae who has become a dragon. In his weakness, Gareth has set up a façade about himself to scare off anyone who could possibly even like him. Through patience, persistence, and good decision-making, a young girl attempts to break his hard exterior. But will she come out of this battle unscathed?

It’s been a fun experience collaborating with another author on a romantic adventure in the world of steam. Our book, Armored Hearts, is currently scheduled for release on April 30th. In order to keep anyone from being left out, we’re offering a giveaway both here and on my interview. At one location, you can enter to win a paperback copy of the new release. And at the other, an e-book edition along with a $10 Amazon Gift Card.

And to help you enjoy a taste of this Fairy fantasy, I’d like to offer you a chance to read the prologue,Winter Fae, for free:

Coupon Code: KH93H (expires April 5)

Pauline has offered up 2 FTF giveaways - this one is for an ebook of Armored Hearts AND a $10 Amazon gift card! [Later this week, Bonnie will be hosting a separate giveaway for a paperback fo Armored Hearts. Everyone may download the prologue, Winter Fae, above!]  This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL, and ends April 10th, 2013. Fill out the Rafflecopter below to enter. Good luck!
*As with all of the giveaways for Fairy Tale Fortnight, make sure you've already filled out our Giveaway Registration Form - this only needs to be done once!
Please do not leave any sensitive info or email addresses in the comments!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Click here to go back to the Fairy Tale Fortnight Main Page,
where you can access the schedule! Or go here to get involved!
Credit to these awesome Deviants for our button [ 12 & 3]!


  1. I would love to win the book since I like Steam punk and fantasy. Mix in some fae and you have a winner.

  2. What was it like working with someone else to write a book?

  3. Because Missy and I work together so well, it's not been difficult. With the first draft, we decided from the beginning that Missy would have the final say on the direction the book would go. Through the subsequent drafts, I have been allowed to steer it in new directions, expand it, and add a few things of my own. For example, I decided to kill one of the characters - Missy was going to let "them" live.

    We intend to collaborate again on a Romantic Suspense/Thriller later this year - and this time, I will steer the first draft, and she'll be doing the tweaking. :)

  4. What a neat way to go about it, Pauline! =)

  5. Ooooh, okay. I have A THING for fairy tales already, but this sounds really neat! I don't do a lot of steampunk (time's so short, so many good books, eek!), but this sounds like an interesting mix of the two ... Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Steampunk, faeries, and dragons. What an awesome combination! I've never heard of anything like this before :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. I have not read any steampunk and this would be an excellent opportunity to read one and see what they are all about, I do like different styles of books

  8. This sounds like a wonderful story! I am so glad to hear that this collaboration of authors has worked out so well as we are then able to benefit from the amazing creativity of two wonderful writers! :)

  9. I haven't read a good Steampunk in ages. I think it's time for a new one! Thanks for the giveaway and interview!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Interesting premise and the cover of the book looks cool. I don't think I've ever heard of a fairy tale + steampunk combination, will add it to the TBR.

  12. I just recently started reading this genre and I am looking for some good authors to follow and read.

  13. This book looks really good! Steampunk is new to me but something that I'm interested in reading about.

  14. It sounds good! Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Anyone interested can now add Armored Hearts to their "want to read" list at goodreads! http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17736129-armored-hearts

  16. Pauline, is the steampunk bling still available on altwit's website? I had my eye on the clockwork heart necklace...

    PS Sign me up! :)

  17. Pauline, I enjoyed reading WINTER FAE and can't wait to find out what happens in ARMORED HEARTS! I am so glad I featured the covers of your publishing company's books through Marcy Rachel Design Blog Tour.I also glad you approached me about reading and reviewing THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NIGHT AND DAY and THE EARTH PAINTER.I am really enjoying reading all the books from AltWit Press including your books!Thanks for the experience!


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