Monday, May 13, 2013

April Rewind: Mini-Reviews of my April reads!

So this is up SUPER late, but here is what I thought of what I read in April. A few of these that I was in the middle of have since been finished (and the reviews will be up soon!).
Let me know what you think of the books I read (or started, at least), how you April went, and what's next on your stack in the comments!

The Secret of Ella and Micah | Jessica Sorenson
Spies & Prejudice | Talia Vance
The Duff | Kody Keplinger  [review]
School Spirits | Rachel Hawkins  [review]
A Corner of White | Jaclyn Moriarty
First Impressions | Alexa Adams
Nothing Can Possibly Go Wrong | Prudence Shen & Faith Erin Hicks
The Savage Blue | Zoraida Cordova

Also Mentioned:
Paranormalcy | Kiersten White
The Demon Trapper's Daughter | Jana Oliver


  1. Oh darn while I do like vlogs I generally prefer to read the reviews. can I request short twitter length snippets at least? hahah!!

  2. There will be written reviews of all of them, Pabkins! I do this every month - a monthly vlogged wrap-up for my youtube peeps, followed by "real" reviews of the books I talked about. =)


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.