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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

GIVEAWAY: The Lovecraft Middle School series!

You guys may have seen me talk in a couple of recent videos about receiving the Lovecraft Middle School series from Quirk books, and how I love the design of the books, and think it's something that would have been right up my alley when I was a middle grader.
Though I may not have time to dive into these quirky (see what I did there?) little books at the moment, that doesn't mean I can't share them with you guys, right?
That's what I thought, too.  SO.

THESE COVERS, YOU GUYS. These covers are made of awesome. What's shown above is just one level of the cover, because they have these awesome overlays. The spiel is that "Every volume in the Lovecraft Middle School series is fully illustrated and features an original lenticular portrait on the cover. Display them on bookshelves—and then watch the cover characters morph into monsters as you pass by!and for serious, they look so cool and seamless!
Super cool posters, y'all!

Thanks to Quirk Books, I have copies of the first 3 books in the Lovecraft Middle School series (Professor Gargoyle, The Slither Sisters and Teacher's Pest), posters and bookmarks to give away! To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter below, and I'd love to know in the comments if you're entering for yourself, your students/children, etc. (Doesn't have an impact on who wins, I'm just nosy curious!)
This is open to residents of US, UK and CAN, and runs through May 23, 2013.
Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sad i'm in belgium not in the UK i would have loved those

  2. I entered to win the books for my 12-year-old son.

  3. Definitely for my inner child! But also for my half-sister who is in middle school and loves books like this! I've got a 16 yr old living in my house but he's currently interested in girls, not books (reading isn't 'cool' anymore, he says).

  4. I'm entering for my inner child. I've had my eyes on this series for a while but they never have the first one in stock and waiting for my request for a book has never turned out great.

  5. I will be entering just for me! :)

  6. Me! :) I'm a grown woman with a love of children's books.

  7. I am entering for me... the first time I saw the covers of these books I was in love!

  8. I love those covers! I have been wracking up the books on my tbr and would love to add these to the pile.

  9. I feel like my kids would like these. I just ordered the first for the collection, so we'll see!

  10. My inner child.

  11. For my inner child and to pass on to the library so the kiddos can enjoy them! :)

  12. Ha! My inner child!
    Thanks for the giveaway!


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.


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