Monday, December 2, 2013


Enjoy this early morning, makeup-less, roll-out-of-bed-and-out-the-door video. Ugh.

Anyway, this is my chaotic December TBR. Not sure any of this will be read this month, frankly, though I will do my best to read the BIG BOOKS Stack of Five winner you guys picked (the biggest. Go figure.)

Let me know what you guys are planning this month. Thanks for watching, hope it didn't traumatize you... ;)

Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell | Susanna Clarke
Defy | Sara B. Larson
The Geek's Guide to Dating | Eric Smith
Princesses Behaving Badly | Linda Rodriguez McRobbie
How Not to Be a Dick | Meghan Doherty
Morganville Vampires, Vol 3 (Lords of Misrule / Carpe Corpus) | Rachel Caine
Something Real
???? Something from my shelves


  1. You're kidding, right? You look beautiful. Wishing your mom fast healing and you a smile.

    1. Haha, thanks Laurie. I'll take your word for it and not look at the video to contradict ya. ;)
      And thanks! =)

  2. Defy by Sara B Larson is amazing!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!!

    1. I finished it tonight. I liked some things about it, but there were a lot of things that irritated me. Eh, I dunno. Worth the read, but not something I'll be pushing. Though as the author grows, who knows? I see potential.

  3. Ugh. So sorry to hear about your mom and wishing her a speedy recovery. And pshaw, you look just as pretty as always! :D

    1. Thank you. Also, you're crazy. I'm not one of those people that thinks women should feel insecure w/o makeup, and I don't, generally, but I was dog tired this morning, and I know I had to have looked it... lol

  4. Wishing your mom well. We did the hospital thing two months ago with a parent and its tough.

    You've got some good ones there. I'm hoping to get to Defy this month, but for the moment I've got Racing Savannah and Crash into You going first.

    Not bad for just getting up btw.

    1. Ugh, I could barely keep my eyes open. I got like 4 hours of sleep last night, if that, and that's after a stretch of days spent sleeping in a hospital chair, and then going and working retail Black Friday madness. I was feeling it this morning... lol

      Finished Defy tonight. It was... eh. Quick and fun-ish, and I liked it ok, but I rolled my eyes A LOT, and just wanted to get all editory on it. Haha.

  5. I hope your mum recovers swiftly!

    Also, it kind of looks like there's a giant polar bear behind you in this video. Just FYI. :D

      lol. Actually, you're not too off the mark - there's a giant yellow bunny behind me. ;)

  6. Hang in there! I hope your mom has a quick recovery. My mom just got out of the hospital, after being in there over Thanksgiving, so I feel ya. Read when you can, it will help take your mind off it all!

  7. I wish your mom a speedy recovery and I give you internet hugs. *HUGS*

    I LOVED Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. It took me forever to read because of all the crazy footnotes, but I loved it. I hope you do too.


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