Thursday, March 20, 2014

BOOK HAUL: March 2014, #2

As promised, here is the 2nd book haul of March, aka the BETTER WORLD BOOKS haul! It's a random mix, but at 40% off...can you blame me? ;P

Blood Magic | Tessa Gratton
The Blood Keeper | Tessa Gratton
The Year of the Beasts | Cecil Castellucci & Nate Powell
Team Human | Justine Larbalestier & Sarah Rees Brennan
Little Hands Clapping | Dan Rhodes
The Misadventures of Maude March | Audrey Couloumbis
Willful Impropriety | Various (anthology), ed. Ekaterina Sedia
All Good Children | Catherine Austen
Bad Hair Day | Carrie Harris
With a Name Like Love | Tess Hilmo

Also Mentioned:
Maggie Stiefvater
Brenna Yovanoff
Tin Star
Bad Taste in Boys


  1. It's so funny that you like zombies so much. Give me werewolves, vampires, or witches, but I don't like zombies. Ha ha. I can handle any made up creature, but as soon as dead people start being reanimated, I'm out. I don't blame you for buying All Good Children based on the cover appeal. That cover is gorgeous! I would have bought it too. :)

  2. Ah, "All Good Children"! I've read that one (and semi-know the author, in a blog-pal way). I'm not generally into dystopian tales, but I grew painfully fond of the book's protag, Max, so there were plenty of #feels to be had. Lookin' forward to your thoughts upon it. ^^


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