Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Disney Princesses As...

Last year I showed you Disney princesses as all sorts of things (hipsters, steampunk princesses, zodiac princesses, princesses in lingerie... a whole menagerie of "princesses as," as well as princesses IRL). But the internets just cannot get enough of Disney princesses reimagined (thank god), and for awhile there, it seemed like I was stumbling across new incarnations of them nearly every day!

So I'm back this year with another little spotlight on these fun, inventive, intriguing creations from a whole slew of talented artists.  Check them out below, and let me know your favorites, or any you've run across, in the comments.
In one of the more fascinating series, Claire Hummel has reclothed the princesses in historically accurate costumes, and I bow down to her.
Deviant Artist Hyung86 has a whole series of "Disney University" reimaginings, which attempt to pair the characters with their modern college campus alter egos. My favorite? Probably a toss-up between Merida, Wendy, Megara, Snow White, Mulan... oh damn, I love them all. [And yes, I know I said "princesses" and then almost immediately showed you a man, but Hipster Pinocchio was too much to resist!]

Jeftoon01 brings us a much darker vision of these Disney characters with these "Twisted Princess" creations, which see the beloved princesses turned homicidal maniac. Fun for the whole family! ;)
And speaking of homicidal maniacs, clocktowerman reinvents the princesses as zombies, killing your childhood one character at a time (but making your adulthood more awesome).

DjeDjehuti merged the princesses and other characters with the characters from Game of Thrones in one of the most genius pairings I've seen in awhile. I mean, Belle as Margaery Tyrell? Snow White as Shae? Mulan as Brienne of Tarth, oh man, I lost it at that. So perfect.
LiberLibelula merged Disney and World of Warcraft, and though I know next to nothing about WoW other than that a kid I knew legally changed his name to his WoW character and was promptly disowned by his family (I kid you not), the art on these is gorgeous. And that's all I need to know.

And lastly, Amy Mebberson became my favorite person ever when she made drew Disney princess versions of each of the Doctor Who doctors, and fandoms everywhere sobbed with the joy of it.

And there you have it! Lots of princesses, lots of talent, and lots of browsing potential to keep you occupied for some time. But seriously, click through to these fantastic artists, check out all of the amazing adaptations they've come up with, and give a like or a comment to show your approval of their awesomeness!
And let me know your favorites, or any you've come across, in the comments!

Click here to go back to the Fairy Tale Fortnight Main Page, where you can access the schedule or find out more!


  1. I'm like you I can't pick a favorite they are all so amazing. i love fanart. I think if I had to pick a favorite I really like the college series.

  2. I like the princesses in historically accurate clothing and the princesses as GOT characters.

  3. Wow, I haven't seen any of these! As a DW fan, I love that one, but the historically accurate costumes stir up my imagination, and the Disney University ones are just FUN.

  4. Oh, my ever-lovin' wow, the Robin Hood of Disney U...
    Always fun to see how such talented artists re-imagine your favorite characters. :)

  5. Here's some images of Disney princess in Thai traditional costumes. As a Thai-American, these practically scream my entire childhood.

  6. I love when I come across these on the internets! They are so cool. I love the University reimagined ones. Oh so cool!


  8. Claire Hummel's princesses are my favourite, and I also love the twisted princesses! And those WoW princesses are great, too, although like you I'm not really well versed in WoW.

    There's Sadyna at Deviantart, who has given the princesses a "warrior princess" make over (and she's Finnish, yay, represent!):

    1. Awesome! I'll have to bookmark that for next year! =)

  9. I always love these sooo much. I see them all over Pinterest. My favorite has always been the Twisted Princesses!!

  10. dhjsfdfsdjf The princesses as doctors OMG SO AWESOME!!!!!
    All the art is great to be honest. Hyung's art looks so good!

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