Saturday, April 19, 2014

Fairy Tale Fortnight Welcome + Schedule!

You guys.
It's time...

Springtime comes and I get a hankering for fairy tales (I'll leave it to you to determine the correlation, I'm sure someone could analyze it), which means it's time for Fairy Tale Fortnight! This year marks our fourth year of this fairy tale extravaganza, which is insane to me, and I'm so glad you guys keep coming back and justifying the amount of time I devote to fairy tales in my life...
So welcome!

If you're new to Fairy Tale Fortnight (or FTF), basically it's a 2 week-long celebration of all things fairy tale and fairy tale-esque.  Every day you can expect to find numerous fairy tale goodies, ranging from reviews and discussions to giveaways, interviews, guest posts and vlogs!  And probably some other things, too! And all of these things will be brought to you not just by me and my co-host, Bonnie from A Backwards Story, but from tons of you awesome people who share a love of fairy tales! But everyone is welcome to get involved and jump in on the fun! If you feel inspired to join in with your own fairy tale related post, share it on the linky!

On each post, you'll see something like this:
Click here to go back to the Fairy Tale Fortnight Main Page,
where you can access the schedule or find out more!
or some variant thereof (I made a lot of variants, I'm indecisive...); when you see this, you can click the picture or the text that says "click here" to return to the FTF Main Page where you can access the schedule, navigate to posts that have already gone up, see what's coming next, and find out how you can get involved! Also, feel free to snag the button or banner (both above) to share on your sidebars, or in your own fairy tale posts! (Both are fully resizable.)

And speaking of the lovely button, Bonnie and I owe a HUGE debt of gratitude to a few awesome deviants whose awesome stock I used to make this year's button and banner (as well as the giveaway hop crop!). Seriously, there are some truly amazingly talented, generous people out there, and they deserve ALL TEH CREDITS:
You are all awesome for making such great stock available!

Now, I think that's all you really need to know to get you started - if you're curious and want to know more, feel free to browse through last year's event, or years  one &  two. This year's schedule is located below, and will be updated daily to show you what's coming next. There will be all kinds of giveaways, too, so make sure you register to win, and then enter away!  We've even partnered once again with Kathy from I Am a Reader to organize another HUGE fairy tale giveaway blog hop, so make sure to check that out on Tuesday!
And comment, comment, comment! I can't wait to discuss with all of you and see what all you have to say!

Happy reading and enjoy!


EDITED TO ADD: Just a heads up - my internet connection has been in and out for about a week due to some bad weather up here in the Mitten, so if things are slow to go up, or there are weird lags, I'm sorry! 
I may have to extend my Fortnight posts beyond the Fortnight, to fit everyone in, if this keeps happening. Bear with me! 

*Please note: sometimes things will have links that aren't active yet, but will go active at some point that day; my goal is to slightly stagger the posts a bit, and have them linked and ready for you when they go live. =)
~ Sunday, April 20th ~

~ Monday, April 21st ~
~ Tuesday, April 22nd ~
~ Wednesday, April 23rd ~
~ Thursday, April 24th ~
~Friday, April 25th ~
~ Saturday, April 26th ~
~ Sunday, April 27th ~
~ Monday, April 28th ~
~Tuesday, April 29th ~
~ Wednesday, April 30th ~
and lastly, on Sunday, when all else has run: our Wrap-Up and Thank Yous!


  1. YAY! So excited! :) Can't wait to see all the postie goodness.

  2. Sounds great! Thanks for putting it together, Misty!

  3. Sounds lovely. Glad I found your wonderful festival of fairy tales.


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Let's be best friends.