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Friday, April 10, 2015

Mean Girls of Disney...

"Sorry about that, that's Aladdin. He's almost too magical to function."

I love me a good mash-up, and if it's Mean Girls* meets anything, I'm pretty much on board. This Disney Princesses meets Mean Girls mashup from Mackenzie Lynn fits the bill, and though it can be a bit on the longish side, and not always greatest on the acting side, but somehow that just adds to its charm, and it's got some great moments.

If you're a Mean Girls buff, check it out below, and let me know your favorite moments in the comments!

*Or Game of Thrones. Or Arrested Development. These are pretty much perfect for all mashups, all the time.

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  1. LOL. Whenever a person can skewer Disneyfied characters the better!!!!

  2. LOL. Whenever a person can skewer Disneyfied characters the better!!!!


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