Friday, May 27, 2016

SECOND CHANCE BOOKS | #TheFridayFive | Book Chat

Following up (finally!) to our last Chat on bookish letdowns, today we're talking about the books or authors that were *originally* letdowns, but that were redeemed with a second chance!
This chat is also part of my Friday Five meme, so if you want to see more of those, you can check them out here; and if you missed the Bookish Letdowns chat, click here!

Oh, and bee tee dubs, there's a poll in the video about a potential upcoming chat! So be all democratic and stuff and make your voice known!*

*Unless you're Trump. Then you can just really be quiet, pls.


Ice (vs. 2 other retellings)
Drink, Slay, Love
The Raven Boys
The Scorpio Races
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies:
Beauty Queens
The Diviners

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored video.


  1. I really enjoyed your Second Chance chat. Mostly because I am a mood reader, but I've got mulish tendencies so that I haven't given second chances to books that really brought out the loathing in me for some reason.
    I do use the rule of thumb that if it stayed on my mind or I thought about it when I caught sight of it later then I give due consideration to picking it back up. I have three or four on my shelves right now that I stopped reading, but something made me put them up there instead of trying to give them away.

    I have had early loves reverse on me so re-reading can be daunting and I confess to being a coward and leaving well enough alone with some books. And sequels, sigh...really struggle with those when they follow something big. Gone With the Wind and Scarlett. Yeah, that was disappointing. I wouldn't do it with To Kill a Mockingbird. Nope.

    As to topic ideas: Along the lines of not wanting to kill a childhood favorite, maybe also talking about books that should have never had a sequel or a series that should have ended before it did.

  2. This is so funny...I have three Sarah Beth Durst books SOLELY because you raved about her at one point. :D
    Maybe Ice was her still developing as a writer, or she had a crap editor.

    A Great and Terrible Beauty is not the best, but I'm one of Libba Bray's legion of fans- reading Going Bovine made my life so much better. It's similar to Beauty Queens, but more subtle and fun. And, of course, The Diviners is awesome.

    I keep hearing people have issues with Cassandra Clare- I feel like I must've missed something. Was she behaving badly, or something? :/
    I liked the first three books of her first series, but the rest of her books were relatively lackluster, and I think her extension of the series is pointless. And YES EXACTLY LIKE LAURELL K. HAMILTON and her pointless smut-filled, no-plot books. Ugh.

    Good on ya for giving second chances, even if it's not your rule of thumb. I don't have the time to re-read books I dislike, but I do give authors 2 books to win me over before I give up on them.

  3. Libba Bray is definitely one where I hated her first trilogy and love pretty much everything she's done since.


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