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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Giveaway: Austenesque Book of Choice (INTL)

We've featured a lot of Austenesque books over the last 7 years of my various Austen events.  And I do me "we" -- I've gushed over my fair share, but between people's guest reviews, favorites lists and general discussions, the number is practically astronomical.
And any one of those books could be yours. . .

This is just a small sampling of the books that have been featured during Austen in August. As you can see, it's a diverse bunch, including cutesy YA contemporary, steamy adult adaptations, traditional (and not so traditional) takes on beloved characters -- even a sci-fi reimagining or two and some non-fiction amazingness! And there is so much more to be found in the Austen in August backlist.

Have a browse through the past Austen in August schedules (see years onetwothreefour, fivesix), or search through my Jane Austen tag, for a few books that pique your interest, and then test your luck by entering to win one!

One lucky winner will receive their choice of any of the Jane Austen-related books that have been featured over the past SEVEN YEARS of Austen in August!
This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL, so long as the book you choose is (reasonably*) available from either Better World Books or Book Depository.
Winner's choice of ebook or physical copy, so long as the book is still in print.
Ends September 10th at 11:59 pm EST
Fill out the Rafflecopter below to enter.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

* by "reasonably" I mean that it must be an available used or new copy that is NOT listed as some rare, ridiculous find for a bajillion dollars. Normal book prices, people!
Return to the Austen in August Main Page
by clicking here for more Janeite goodies!


  1. Last year I passed up the opportunity to read Aerendgast, and I regret it! Hoping to win that title, as featured a year ago on here.

  2. After that little discussion we had about Mansfield Park JAFF, I would love to win Murder at Mansfield Park. But There Must Be Murder snagged my attention, too. Hmm...

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  3. I'm torn between two books! I have been eyeing There Must Be Murder book for a while and there is no ebook version of it. My second is Persuade Me. I like Persuasion and the cover is gorgeous!

  4. Good choice! I loved it. So much fun.

  5. I have to say that Mr. Darcy Goes Overboard looks good to me. That's probably because it's one of the ones I don't own. LOL, you know I am an Austen addict.

  6. ONLY MR. DARCY WILL DO looks like fun thank you.

  7. I don't know most of these but JANE AUSTEN MADE ME DO IT looks good as does ONLY MR. DARCY WILL DO and THE JANEITES cover really caught my eye.

  8. So many great titles, many I already own, would like Murder at Mansfield Park or Mistaking Her Character or There Must Be Murder.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  9. I can't believe I missed Austen Month again this year. :(

    Work has been stressful ...

    I can't decide on a book yet! But I have to say that Only Mr. Darcy Will Do caught my attention.

  10. Hard to choose! I know For Darkness Shows the Stars has gotten good reviews from lots of bloggers. Normally I'm not a huge sci-fi reader but I feel like having the whole Persuasion storyline underlying it will make it more my kind of read. I also like the idea of the Alyssa Goodnight books, they sound like light fluffy fun :)

  11. I would to read The Mr Darcy book. Have you read other books that were written after " A Weekend With Mr Darcy? The story continues :0)

  12. The Darcy Brothers. Because it would be awesome to meet another Darcy! :D

  13. There was a book from a previous year I wanted to read but forgot about it, started adding too many others and it got overlooked. I would like to read Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, The Last Man in the World by Abigail Reynolds.

  14. I would choose Prada and Prejudice. I think it's fun.

  15. i just watched your JAFF favorites video and i'm really interested in reading interference and mr. darcy last man in the world now. thank you for the recs :)

  16. I have never read any of them, so I am not sure -- but I will say Austenland cause I like the cover!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  17. I think I'd choose For Darkness Shows the Stars! Thank you for doing this :)

  18. I have read a lot of them but there are a few still that interest me, for instance "Persuade me" or "The Janeites".
    Thank you for doing this lovely giveaway!


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