Wednesday, November 23, 2016

NaNoWriMo 2016 Check-In, week 3: FAIL.

This week was full of fail, but now it's time to dust that off and move on!
Let me know your motivational tips (& your writing fails!) in the comments!

Buddy me for NaNo:

Reminder to back up your WIP!


On the NaNo blog, Jodi Compton gave some tips for actually getting started each day, which so many people (raises hand) struggle with.

The pep talk this week was from Maggie Steifvater, who talked about tackling time and the "impossible" task of NaNo, with tips on how she keeps moving forward in her own projects. Some of these are things I already do and/or have come to embrace (either in this NaNo or in NaNos past). ''m personally trying to embrace #6 this year.
(Also, some old lady hand-fought a bear, apparently.)

Using timers & the "pomodoro method"
Similarly, but more NaNo focused (and a great way to test the waters & see if timer methods are right for you), NaNoWordSprints

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

NaNoWriMo 2016 | Week Two

Here's a look back at week 2 of NaNoWriMo, in which my focus was productivity (sort of).

Reminder to back up your WIP!

Buddy me for NaNo here!

Last week's video

Rachel Aaron's pyramid of productivity (I don't know if she called it that, but I'm calling it that),
and Monica Leonelle on some similar tips, and some added productivity techniques and tools.

From Sandy Hall "All first drafts need to do is exist." She also mentioned this technique of plotting a solid scene in 10 minutes, which may go hand in hand with Rachel Aaron's productivity & word count boost tips. Gonna try to consistently try it out for a week or so, and see what I think!

The pep talk this week was from Alaya Dawn Johnson, who talked about breaking through self-doubt and embracing your unique voice.

Danika Stone on using deadlines to your advantage and self-rewarding.

And lastly, I also mentioned the 3 act / 9 block / 27 chapter structure, which I loosely use to stay on track. This break down the idea of the three acts (with examples).
And here's a video from Kat breaking down how she does the 27 chapters, which is a good representation of the general idea. There are lots of ways of breaking the 27 chapters down, though, with different key points and tips, so if you're interested in this, I'd recommend a quick google!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

NaNoWriMo 2016!

Hey, I'm taking on the craziness of NaNoWriMo again, only this time, I thought I'd add an extra layer of crazy and vlog about it! My hope is that this will a) keep me accountable, and b) help create a community of people who share their inspiration and give each other a boost!

This week's main topic is a general getting to know you/introduction (are you participating? How's it coming, what are you writing, etc?) + writing "surprises" and unexpected moments that have come out of your journey so far!

My WriMo profile:

Word count this week: ~ 5000

Some writerly discussions and pep talks I've loved:
Alexander Chee's pep talk on talent vs. work
Susan Dennard on magical cookies and on Heat Mapping and finding your rhythm