Monday, January 30, 2017


Just after I finished recording this yesterday, I opened up Twitter to see the news that Trump had made the move to ban people based on their religion and country of origin, and bar already vetted, actually legal citizens and visitors from entering the country -- in some cases, THEIR country. So this just further reinforced my main goal of this year.

If you have favorite ways you like to brighten people's days and put good back out into the world, or ways you like to get involved (politically or otherwise! There are lots of ways to make a difference), please let me know in the comments.

There will be more to discuss, I think, on my specific goals and resolutions in the coming days, but this is where I'm at for now. ✌️

Monday, January 23, 2017

Bullet Journal Walkthrough

Sorry this is such a long one, guys. Future bullet journal videos will NOT be, I promise, but I wanted to give some background on how I came to bullet journaling, and what I did before.
If you'd like to see more bullet journal videos, whether walkthroughs and planning videos, or my favorite / go-to designs and techniques for bujo-ing, let me know in the comments! And if YOU bujo, tell me what you do! I'm always looking for new things to incorporate. =D

Previous journaling: 0:45
Current journal walkthrough begins: 6:14
Supplies: 13:58

Things shown:
The notebook I'm currently using
The one I think I'll get next time (Or this (very pretty!) But both of these options are smaller than I'd like)
My favorite pens for bujo are these and these.

Friday, January 20, 2017

New Year, New Vlog!

Vlog time!
I want to get back into it this year, so even though this is probably not of much interest to a lot of you (soz!), it IS a reflection of what my life is right now, and I'm okay with that.

Chat with me in the comments about various vloggish things, like this whole seasons thing (wtf Michigan?), and things you'd like to see in upcoming vlogs!

And catch me on Monday for that Bullet Journal video I mentioned!

Best & Worst of 2016 series:

Music from the Youtube Creators library.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Disappointing 2016 Reads

Sorry for the world's longest video, but I had THINGS TO SAY. But hey, I time stamped everything, so feel free to skip around!

It's not that all of these are ~bad~ books, necessarily -- some of them I even liked! But for one reason or another, these books are the ones I look back on as disappointments from 2016.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and your least fave/disappointments from 2016! And if you missed the other videos in this series, you can check them out here:

0:55 The Darkest Lie
2:34 Truthwitch [review]
4:27 Fray
6:25 In Case You Missed It
8:02 Rat Queens, vol 3 (and a little bit vol 2)
12:10 Sweaterweather
13:25 Heartless
14:37 Wink Poppy Midnight
15:44 The Wrath & the Dawn

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored video.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

THE ALMOST-FAVORITES: 2016 Honorable Mentions!

For the second video in my 2016 Wrap-Up series, we're taking a look at the books that didn't *quite* make the Best-Of cut -- but I still highly recommend them!

If you missed the first video, with my 2016 favorites, you can find that here!
And keep an eye out for the 3rd video in the series, tackling my LEAST favorites, coming Monday!
And make sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Interference   review  |  First Impressions/excerpt ]

Mighty Jack   review ]

Roller Girl   review ]

Delilah Dirk & the King's Shilling   review ]


The Killing Jar   review  |  excerpt  |  Gritty books discussion ]

Nightstruck   [ First Impressions/excerpt ]

Rebel of the Sands   review ]

Spirit & Dust

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored video, though some of these books were gifted to me, or sent to me for review consideration. The rest were purchased by me, or borrowed from my local library.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Welp. This was supposed to be posted to the blog a few days ago, as part 2 is going up tomorrow, and I wanted to space them a bit... Note to those of you who regularly read this blog or are just looking for more now: I routinely procrastinate myself into forgetting to share vlogs to this blog (or there are things I just decide aren't a good fit, and don't post here), so there are plenty of vlogs on my youtube channel that never made their way over here... If you don't want to miss anything, you might want to make sure your subscribed over there, too! (And I will do my best to make myself cross post in a timely manner this year... lulz.)


Now that a new year is well and truly underway, let's take a look back at some of my favorite reads of last year. For as many books as I stalled out on or flat out didn't like, I had a surprising number of books last year that I liked, loved, and would highly recommend!

Part 2, with my honorable mentions, will be up tomorrow, so make sure to check it out!



Saga (all of it)

Hexed (all of it)

After the Woods   [ review ]

The Darkest Corners  [ review ]

I See Reality   [ review ]

Vassa in the Night   [ review ]

The Nameless City   [ interview with Faith ]

Rat Queens, vol 1

You Were Here

Six of Crows   [ review ]

A Court of Mist & Fury

Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored video.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


I probably won't be doing regular TBRs this year (though who knows?), but for this month, at least, I DO know what I'll be reading...mostly.

Have you read any of these? Let me know your thoughts in the comments! And if you want to hear more about any of them, let me know that too, and keep an eye out for the Retellings portion of the YA Booktube Awards! The liveshow will be January 26th 5pm EST, there are opportunities to win books (yay!), and you can find out more about all of it here!

Now, onto THE BOOKS:
A Court of Mist & Fury
The Wrath & the Dawn
The Rose & the Dagger

and then possibly:
Beautiful Broken Girls
The Last Harvest
some comics (of course)
and maybe something random from my shelves.

Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored video, though some of these books were sent to me for review consideration purposes.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

December 2016 Book Haul!

Here's a quick look at the last few books to make it onto my shelves in 2016! Let me know your thoughts & if you want First Impressions, reviews or excerpts of any of them, and tell me about some of the awesome books that made it on to YOUR shelves at the tail end of last year!

Color Me Jane
Classic Coloring: Jane Austen
The Last Harvest
and a B&N gift card! Give me suggestions of what to get in the comments!