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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

December 2016 Book Haul!

Here's a quick look at the last few books to make it onto my shelves in 2016! Let me know your thoughts & if you want First Impressions, reviews or excerpts of any of them, and tell me about some of the awesome books that made it on to YOUR shelves at the tail end of last year!

Color Me Jane
Classic Coloring: Jane Austen
The Last Harvest
and a B&N gift card! Give me suggestions of what to get in the comments!


  1. Love the coloring books! I've seen them at my local craft store and have been sorely tempted by them. The other books you got sound good too. Overturned especially sounds interesting. Happy reading!

    1. Literary coloring books are far too tempting when you see them in the wild... Haha!

  2. Yes, I do want those coloring books. Great gift.

    The two review books look pretty good. I love mystery and darker stories on occasion.

    Oh hey, don't know if you spent that gift card, but I had a thought when you showed the coloring books. There's a fantasy with dragons and its a Pride and Prejudice match up called Heartstone by Elle Katharine White that comes out on the 17th.

    Yikes, and hope you get back up and running with the computer situation. I had a bad moment losing my last one and hated being separated from a computer.

    1. I haven't spent it! I'm a little afraid to fall down an hours-long browsing hole... Ha. But I'll have to look into that!


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.


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