Tuesday, May 30, 2017

#30DayBookBinge Printables!

As I mentioned a few days ago, I want to undertake a bit of a challenge to myself, to discover a bunch of new worlds, and rediscover why I loved books so much in the first place. To do this, I've decided to challenge myself to read every day in June -- and I invited you guys to join me!

And you -- you lovely, sweet, amazing bookish people, you -- were so on board. So many of you were not only game, but were eager and enthusiastic about the whole idea, and I love you for it. That level of enthusiasm is definitely going to come in handy around the 20-day mark, when it's almost midnight and we realize we haven't read anything for the day, and dammit, it's gonna happen!

You were also enthusiastic about the idea of printables, which frankly, meant I had to make some printables. Couldn't shrug this one off and say, 'next time, guys!'...
Which I'm glad of, because even though they're a little bit of a pain, I also really dug the process of making them! (And look, here they are, two days early!)

They feature hand-lettering (as you might expect from me) in a loose (hopefully) fun, (hopefully) legible style, to keep things light and cazh this month, and right now, there are seven of them.  You're free to use them or not as you see fit. Save them, print them, use only the pages you think you need, make your own -- it's totally up to you.

For now, you'll find a calendar (which you can use to check off days, track what you read, reward yourself with stickers, keep track of when you'll be busy and will have to work to fit in reading time... You know, calendar stuff.); 5 weekly pages (because of those pesky half-weeks), where you can again, track what you read or notes you want to make, plus some fave quotes!; and a wrap-up sheet, to tally up your month of book bingeing and reflect on the awesomeness.

But in the works are some other fun things that will be coming throughout the month, because I've decided (because I'm apparently a glutton for punishment) I want to give you some hand-sketched, and maaaaybe watercolored ones as well.
So keep an eye out for that.
You can download the complete set, to save and/or to print (your choice!) here.

Now, because so many of you were enthusiastic, and because I think buddy reading is a big helper and push, I'd like to do a few activities, like reading sprints and mini-challenges, peppered throughout the month. But my internetting is very limited these days, so I'll need your help!
If anyone would like to host a mini-challenge or run a reading sprint spree on Twitter (or anything else!), please email me and let me know! We can chat ideas and figure out what works and all that jazz, but really, nothing needs to be too complicated. You're readers of the internet, you know the drill.
[As for the emailing itself, I'll get back to you as soon as I'm able (again, limited internetting. Should help with the reading, though, in theory...)]

But whether you just want to casually read and communicate with no one, or you want to jump in with both feet and become a Book Binge slave err... helper, I hope you all have a wonderful month of reading, however much you can, whenever you can, and that it's all page-turning amazing.

The book binge starts in one day, people, so get your book stacks ready!


Tell me all your thoughts.
Let's be best friends.