Friday, August 3, 2018

Austen Fix: Netflix

Welcome to our first Austen in August Dinner & a Movie Weekend!
This afternoon, Leigh Dreyer will be stopping by to share with us what happened when her husband and her brother sat down to watch Pride & Prejudice (2005) for the first time.
And this evening, Beth will be walking us through how to make the first of this year's "Eat Like Austen" recipes, Salmagundy!

But before we get to all that, here is a curation of some Austen adaptations and watch-alikes for you to Netflix-binge on over the long weekend before Austen in August picks up again on Monday!

There is a dearth of Actual Austen on Netflix (what gives, Netflix?!), but there are certainly some things that seem like they might hit the spot, or at least tide you over!

Death Comes to Pemberley - An adaptation of P.D. James' witty and inventive continuation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, picking up the story six years after the marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy. As preparations are being made for a ball at their magnificent Pemberley home, the discovery of a corpse brings an abrupt and shocking halt to the proceedings and a threat to all that the Darcys hold dear.

North & South - one of the more beloved Austen watch (and read) -alikes, and probably THE first go-to for those needing a "now what?" Austen fix.

The Duchess - Maybe you just need a period piece with amazing costumes, I dunno.

Bright Star - What do you mean you haven't watched Bright Star?!

A Little Princess - I know it's not a Regency romance, but A Little Princess hits the same spots for me.

Diary of a Chambermaid - I haven't watched this, so ??? but it looks interesting, and like it might suit if you're feeling Austen, but darker...

Well? Anything catch your eye? Anything that's an excellent Janeite fit that I missed? Let me know in the comments!
Jane Austen, Austen in August, blog event
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  1. I love the idea of an Austen Dinner and a Movie Weekend. I definitely think we will try an Austen movie this weekend.

  2. I've actually tried Salmagundy up at the Greenfield Village's Eagle Tavern when I met up with another Austen lover who was visiting from New York.

  3. Diary of a Chambermaid intrigues me....

  4. I love that French actress from Diary of Chambermaid. I'll have to check that one out. I also love North and South, both the movie and the book are excellent. Death Comes to Pemberley was fun but not as good as I was hoping. I would also add "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" to the list. It's on Prime for free right now.

  5. After reading Death Comes to Pemberley, I am taking the controversial stance that the mini series is better. I have been meaning to watch Love and Friendship on Prime for ages which I think is based on Lady Susan? Has anyone watched it?

  6. Excellent choices, Misty. I've never heard of Diary of a Chambermaid. Did some digging and found out it's in French. I'll put it in my list just in case I need something to watch (not that I'm out of shows to watch).


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