Monday, August 20, 2018

The AIA News-Herald: vol 1, iss 4

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AIA News Herald rainbow

Alright, it was a sadly anticlimactic end to last week, as I found myself rather sick, and thus was week 3 curtailed. But I'm all better now — well, who am I kidding? I'm not. But I'm a solid 65% better and ready to get back at it! So let's start the week with your morning afternoon paper, shall we? It's all the Austen news that's fit to print!

this week

We'll be playing a little bit of catch-up, since I was sick towards the end of last week. So expect a chock-full schedule of Austen amazingness, including:

    You may have missed:
    Feed Your Reader banner AIA

    In need of some Austenesque reads to get you in the mood for AIA? Here are some personal faves and current bargains to feed your reader -- and fill that Jane Austen shaped hole in your heart -- with! Some of these are even free on Kindle Unlimited, but some of these are just flat-out free!
    If you've read any of them, let me know your thoughts or recommendations in the comments!





    Not enough Janery going on for you in this first week of AIA? Don’t worry, we’ve got 8 previous years to plunder for awesome Austen posts, In Case You Missed It! Take a stroll through and discover (or rediscover!) things like:
    * a selection on newsy bits and bits and bobs for the truly discerning Janeite *
    Lots of interesting home bits for you this week. This week, I'm sharing some things that definitely need to be in my collection (*looks at "society for obstinate, headstrong girls journal*) — oh, who am I kidding? Everything showcased in every single newsletter needs to be added to my collection!





    Next week AIA comes to a close! I know, I know — I can't believe it either! But before we go, we'll be taking a look at some Austen read-alikes, potential new JAFF settings (and upcoming JAFF books), ice cream in Austen's day, one last Eat Like Austen recipe, a few other posts here and there, and a plethora of giveaways to cap them off!


    What are your favorite Austen tropes? What draws you back, time and again? Is it the Darcy/Lizzie hate-to-love element? Lost love refound in Persuasion? The biting humor and wit? 
    Sing Austen's praises in the comments!

    Jane Austen, Austen in August, blog event
    Click here to return to the master list of Austen in August posts!


    1. Sorry you felt under the weather over the weekend. Wishing you well.

      Loved perusing all the wonderful Austen-y news and events for this week. Thanks for putting that together.

    2. I have the Austen stationary/gift set (upper right corner). It's one of my favorite treasures!

    3. I have only read 2 of the books. Thanks for the others to add to my wish list.

    4. Thank you for sharing a round-up of AiA news that I may have missed. I love the tropes you mentioned plus friends becoming lovers plot (think Emma and Mr Knightley).


    Tell me all your thoughts.
    Let's be best friends.