Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Twitter + Jane = Happy Place

Sometimes Twitter is a cesspit. I mean, it's no youtube comments section, but we all know the anonymity of the internet can bring out the worst in people. But sometimes... sometimes the soundbite set-up of Twitter, and the quick proliferation of all things funny makes Twitter the perfect environment to find something that hilarious, intriguing, or just so very you in such short form that you can't help but hit that retweet button.

And of course, there is no shortage of Janery to be found on Twitter. Here are some of my favorite bits that have been building up in my feed, inbox and bookmarks lately. Enjoy, and if you have any favorite Austenesque tweets or twitter accounts that you follow, let me know!

Yes. You will find a lot of @DrunkAusten in this post...

Turns out, maybe if Darcy was alive today (and, erm, real) and active on the internet, he'd be kind of the worst. One of those dudebro douches. A douchebro.

I came across this from Laurel Ann Nattress' @Austenprose Twitter, and it. is. fabulous. [Created by @WrongHands]:

Okay, this one's not so much funny, but I felt this tweet from Nancy Kelley (who is featured this year in AIA!) would be good to include for discussion purposes! 

As a bonus; I know this isn't directly Austen-related, and that it's Victorian, but I feel like a lot of you will be as amused by this as I was.

Jane Austen, Austen in August, blog event
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  1. This was wonderfully funny! Made my day!

  2. LOL! Oh my lands, you just made my day with these. Thanks ever so, Misty!

  3. I love it. My favs are the Great British Baking Show one and running like Elizabeth runs from Collins :)

  4. I love all of this especially the split poll at the top!!

  5. The split poll is CLASSIC.

    I love that you added my Unpopular Austen Opinion. I have a blog post building on Fanny Price. Maybe even more than one! I realised this week that she and Anne Elliot both received a proposal and faced familial pressure to go against their first inclinations.


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Let's be best friends.